
traceback模块被用来跟踪异常返回信息 如下例所示: import traceback try: raise SyntaxError, "traceback test" except: traceback.print_exc() 将会在控制台输出类似结果: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 3, in <modu…
Python traceback 模块,追踪错误 import traceback try: your code except: traceback.print_exc()…
# 用traceback模块查看异常import traceback import pymysql db = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='root', port=3306, db='spiders') cursor = db.cursor() try: sql = 'SELECT graph, brand_name FROM base_info' # 执行sql语句 cursor.execute(sql) re…
Logiging模块日志级别 CRITICAL = 50FATAL = CRITICALERROR = 40WARNING = 30WARN = WARNINGINFO = 20DEBUG = 10NOTSET = 0 只能写入到一个文件,多次声明无效 import logging logging.basicConfig( # filename='l1.log', # format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s -%(module)s: %(me…
try: 1/0 except Exception,e: print e 输出结果是integer division or modulo by zero,只知道是报了这个错,但是却不知道在哪个文件哪个函数哪一行报的错.   下面使用traceback模块 import traceback try:   1/0 except Exception,e:   traceback.print_exc() 输出结果是 Traceback (most recent call last): File "tes…
import traceback try: 1/0 except Exception,e: traceback.print_exc() 输出结果是 Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 3, in <module> 1/0     ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero 这样非常直观有利于调试.     trace…
==traceback 模块== [Example 2-18 #eg-2-18] 展示了 ``traceback`` 模块允许你在程序里打印异常的跟踪返回 (Traceback)信息, 类似未捕获异常时解释器所做的. 如 [Example 2-18 #eg-2-18] 所示. ====Example 2-18. 使用 traceback 模块打印跟踪返回信息====[eg-2-18] ``` File: # note! importing the t…
Traceback模块官方英文描述: Help on module traceback: NAME traceback - Extract, format and print information about Python stack traces. FILE /usr/lib64/python2.7/ FUNCTIONS extract_stack(f=None, limit=None) Extract the raw traceback from the curre…
traceback模块被用来跟踪异常返回信息. 如下例所示: 1.直接打印异常信息 import traceback try: raise SyntaxError, "traceback test" except: traceback.print_exc() 将会在控制台输出类似结果: Traceback (most recent call last): File "H:\PythonWorkSpace\Test\src\", lin…
异常捕捉 通常我们在项目中,针对异常的捕捉会使用 try + except,基本形式如下: try: # 主代码 except IndexError as e: # 索引异常时执行这里 logger.debug(e) except KeyError as e: # 关键字异常时执行这里 logger.debug(e) except ValueError as e: # 值异常时执行这里 logger.debug(e) except Exception as e: # 万能异常,若出现了与上述指定…