运行flutter run时报错 提示如下: Could not find the built application bundle at build/ios/iphonesimulator/Runner.app. Error launching application on iPhone 11 Pro Max. 错误的原因是在xcode中修改了bundle Name字段的名字 默认是Runner,将bundle Name修改为Runner即可…
报错信息Could not find the built application bundle at build/ios/iphoneos/Runner.app. Error launching application on xxx的 iPhone. 错误的原因是在xcode中修改了bundle Name字段的名字 默认是Runner,将bundle Name修改为Runner即可 修改plist文件 <key>CFBundleDisplayName</key> <strin…
iOS 真机测试错误"The application bundle does not contain a valid identifier" 真机测试的时候报错:"The application bundle does not contain a valid identifier".在这里找到解决方法:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/37750186/the-application-bundle-does-not-contain…
http://code4app.com/requirement/54128041933bf0e0308b5204 Invalid code signing entitlements. Your application bundle's signature contains code signing entitlements that are not supported on iOS. Speicifically value 'K8TE8KDZ95.cn.blueu.* for key 'appl…
Flutter json 2 model with Built Value Flutter中json转换model, 除了手动转之外, 就是利用第三方库做一些代码生成. 流行的库有: json_serializable和built_value 本文介绍built_value的实际使用及问题处理. Flutter中的json转model方法 Flutter中json到model类型的转换可以有多种方式: 利用官方自带的dart convert中的json解码. 该方法只能将json转换为List或…
In this lesson we’ll learn how to import widgets we’ve created in other files & use them in our project. We'll also look at how to create dynamic properties in our widgets in order to make them reusable across our application. We have the CLI generat…