PAT 1111 Online Map[Dijkstra][dfs]】的更多相关文章

1111 Online Map(30 分) Input our current position and a destination, an online map can recommend several paths. Now your job is to recommend two paths to your user: one is the shortest, and the other is the fastest. It is guaranteed that a path exists…
前言: 本题是我在浏览了柳神的代码后,记下的一次半转载式笔记,不经感叹柳神的强大orz,这里给出柳神的题解地址: 题意: 有一个租借自行车的系统由n个点组成,用户可以在这n个点任意一个点借车或者还车,每个点都遵循一个共同的上限c,这里我们称一个点的状态时完美的如果这个点的车的数量为c/2,(每个点由1~n标号),而我们的出发点为0点,整个系统每次会有一个sp点发出警报,说明这个sp点的自行…
Input our current position and a destination, an online map can recommend several paths. Now your job is to recommend two paths to your user: one is the shortest, and the other is the fastest. It is guaranteed that a path exists for any request. Inpu…
本文章同步发布在CSDN:   1111 Online Map (30 分)   Input our current position and a destination, an online map can recommend several paths. Now your job is to recommend two paths to your user: one i…
PAT甲级1111. Online Map 题意: 输入我们当前的位置和目的地,一个在线地图可以推荐几条路径.现在你的工作是向你的用户推荐两条路径:一条是最短的,另一条是最快的.确保任何请求存在路径. 输入规格: 每个输入文件包含一个测试用例.对于每种情况, 第一行给出两个正整数N(2 <= N <= 500),M分别是地图上街道交叉路口的总数和街道数.然后M行跟随,每个描述一个街道的格式: V1 V2单程长度时间 其中V1和V2是街道两端的索引(从0到N-1);一- 方式是1,如果街道从V1…
1111. Online Map (30)Input our current position and a destination, an online map can recommend several paths. Now your job is to recommend two paths to your user: one is the shortest, and the other is the fastest. It is guaranteed that a path exists…
PAT 1030 最短路最小边权 堆优化dijkstra+DFS 1030 Travel Plan (30 分) A traveler's map gives the distances between cities along the highways, together with the cost of each highway. Now you are supposed to write a program to help a traveler to decide the shortest…
1111 Online Map (30 分) Input our current position and a destination, an online map can recommend several paths. Now your job is to recommend two paths to your user: one is the shortest, and the other is the fastest. It is guaranteed that a path exist…
题目分析: 本题我有两种思路,一种是只依靠dijkstra算法,在dijkstra部分直接判断所有的情况,以局部最优解得到全局最优解,另一种是dijkstra + dfs,先计算出最短距离以及每个点的可能前驱点,然后用dfs搜索每一条道路对最优路径进行维护,并且第二种方法记录道路的方式比较巧妙值得学习掌握(在dfs部分用一条临时路径进行维护) 对于字符串如何以整数的形式存储到二维数组中,这里用的是map的方式,当然也可以通过字符串计算出hash值去索引,毕竟是三个大写字母的字符串 本题代码: 1…
题目描述 给一个包含n个点,m条边的无向连通图.从顶点1出发,往其余所有点分别走一次并返回. 往某一个点走时,选择总长度最短的路径走.若有多条长度最短的路径,则选择经过的顶点序列字典序最小的那条路径(如路径A为1,32,11,路径B为1,3,2,11,路径B字典序较小.注意是序列的字典序的最小,而非路径中节点编号相连的字符串字典序最小).到达该点后按原路返回,然后往其他点走,直到所有点都走过. 可以知道,经过的边会构成一棵最短路径树.请问,在这棵最短路径树上,最长的包含K个点的简单路径长度为多长…