Sometimes, we run into situations where we end up with a Maybe within the context of another Maybe. Nested structures like this can get really confusing to work with. In this lesson, we’ll look at an example of this and see how chaincan help us out b…
Given a nested list of integers, implement an iterator to flatten it. Each element is either an integer, or a list -- whose elements may also be integers or other lists. ExampleGiven the list [[1,1],2,[1,1]], By calling next repeatedly until hasNext…
In this lesson, we’ll look at the propPath utility function. We’ll ask for a property multiple levels deep in an object and get back a Maybe. We’ll get a Just when the property exists at our path and a Nothing if any part of the path is undefined. co…
Once we’re using Maybes throughout our code, it stands to reason that at some point we’ll get a Maybe and want to continue applying transformations. We might get a Nothing and want to perform those same transformations on some default value. In this…
Given a nested list of integers, implement an iterator to flatten it. Each element is either an integer, or a list -- whose elements may also be integers or other lists. Example 1: Given the list [[1,1],2,[1,1]], By calling next repeatedly until hasN…
Given a nested list of integers, implement an iterator to flatten it. Each element is either an integer, or a list -- whose elements may also be integers or other lists. Example 1: Given the list [[1,1],2,[1,1]], By calling next repeatedly until hasN…
前文所述,JavaScript是基于词法作用域(lexically scoped)的,所以标识符被固定在它们被定义的作用域而不是语法上或是其被调用时的作用域.即全局变量的作用域是整个程序,局部变量的作用域是其所在的函数(包括函数的内嵌函数). 根据JavaScript相关文档我们知道,当你定义一个全局变量时,其实你是为JavaScript的全局对象定义了一个属性(property):而当我们在函数体内定义一个局部变量时,其实也是为某个对象(这个对象与JavaScript的内部实现相关)定义了一个…
Given a nested list of integers, implement an iterator to flatten it. Each element is either an integer, or a list -- whose elements may also be integers or other lists. Example 1:Given the list [[1,1],2,[1,1]], By calling next repeatedly until hasNe…
Given a nested list of integers, implement an iterator to flatten it. Each element is either an integer, or a list -- whose elements may also be integers or other lists. Example 1: Input: [[1,1],2,[1,1]] Output: [1,1,2,1,1] Explanation: By calling ne…
Given a nested list of integers, implement an iterator to flatten it. Each element is either an integer, or a list -- whose elements may also be integers or other lists. Notice You don't need to implement the remove method. Example Given the list [[1…