In some cases your application might need to upload large amounts of data, such as files. Obviously for a good UX we should provide the user some feedback on the progress of the upload. Angular’s HttpRequest object has a property reportProgress which…
本系列从Java程序员的角度,带大家理解前端Angular框架. 本文重点介绍Angular的开发.编译工具:npm, yarn, Angular CLI,它们就像Java在中的Maven,同时顺便介绍一些Angular的概念.学习之后,希望你能够在自己的环境下练习.探索.编写出自己的第一个基于Angular的Web应用. 在开始介绍之前,先了解下一些背景知识,理解单页应用与传统基于模板的多页应用在Web开发思路的不同. 什么是单页应用(Single Page Application,SPA)单…
Angular 个人深究[Angular中的Typescript 装饰器] 最近进入一个新的前端项目,为了能够更好地了解Angular框架,想到要研究底层代码. 注:本人前端小白一枚,文章旨在记录自己的学习过程,如有大神发现错误,也请评论指正. Angular 中的装饰器 当安装好Angular后,打开 文件[/my-app/src/app/app.module.ts] 与文件 [/my-app/src/app/app.component.ts] //app.component.tsimport…
本系列从Java程序员的角度,带大家理解前端Angular框架. 本文是入门篇.笔者认为亲自动手写代码做实验,是最有效最扎实的学习途径,而搭建开发环境是学习一门新技术最需要先学会的技能,是入门的前提. 作为入门篇,本文重点介绍Angular的开发.编译工具:npm, yarn, Angular CLI,它们就像Java在中的Maven,同时顺便介绍一些Angular的概念.学习之后,希望你能够在自己的环境下练习.探索.编写出自己的第一个基于Angular的Web应用. 在开始介绍之前,先了解下一…
转载URL: MDN参考: 进度事件(Progress Events) Progress Events定义了与客户端服务器通信有关的事件.这些事件最早其实只针对XHR操作,但目前也被其它API借鉴.有以下6个进度事件. loadstart:在接收到相应数据的第一个字节时触发. pr…
// 传递参数不止一个,代表新建模块;空数组代表该模块不依赖其他模块 var createModule = angular.module("myModule", []); // 只有一个参数(模块名),代表获取模块 // 如果模块不存在,angular框架会抛异常 var getModule = angular.module("myModule"); // true,都是同一个模块 alert(createModule == getModule); 该函数既可以创建…
前言: 最近一直在使用阿里的NG-ZORRO(Angular组件库)开发公司后端的管理系统,写了一段时间的Angular以后发现对于我们.NET后端开发而言真是非常的友善.因此这篇文章主要是对这段时间使用Angular做一些小总结,希望可以帮到有需要的同学. Angular学习前必备基础知识点: TypeScript基本常识: Angular中文文档: GitHub地址: h…
angular.js:11706 Error: [$rootScope:inprog] $digest already in progress$rootScope/inprog?p0=%24digest at angular.js:63 at beginPhase (angular.js:14924) at Scope.$apply (angular.js:14668) at HTMLDocument.<anonymous>…
In a real world scenario we obviously need to be able to communicate with an Angular Element embedded into our static HTML site. In this lesson we will learn how we can pass data into a Custom Element and how we can register to an Angular Element’s o…
A @Directive can also listen to events on their host element using @HostListener. This allows you to add behaviors that react to user input and update or modify properties on the element without having to create a custom component. import {Directive,…
The upload class will be used in the service layer. Notice it has a constructor for file attribute, which has a type of File. This will allows us to initialize new uploads with a JavaScript File object. You will see why this is important in the next…
By default, when you generate components, they will simply be added to the page in order, one after another. Angular 2 provides methods on the ViewContainer that allow you to reorder components once they’ve been created and provide the order that you…
If you're coming from AngularJS (v1.x) you probably remember the ng-true-value and ng-false-value directive which allowed to map custom boolean values like "yes" or "no" or whatever other value you had, onto your HTML form. In this les…
Compile time configuration options allow you to provide different kind of settings based on the environment you're building the Angular app for. You might for instance have a development, staging and production environment. With the Angular CLI you'r…
When you generate Angular 2 components, you’re still able to access the component instance to set properties and invoke methods from the component class. import {Component, ViewChild, ViewContainerRef, ComponentFactoryResolver, Input} from '@angular/……
AngularJS 1.3 add $submitted for form, so you can use  $submitted  to track whether the submit event is trggered. Read More: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <scrip…
自己正在做一个小网站,使用Angular JS + Express JS + Mongo DB,在开发过程中,遇到一些问题,所以整理出来.希望对大家都有帮助. 这是今天解决的一个问题,Angular JS抛出Warning: Tired to load angular more than once. 前端使用的就是Angular JS,同时前端脚本中我也使用了JQuery.以下是二者Script的最初调用顺序, 在public文件夹下的index.html中: <body ng-view> &…
视图部分: <div ng-app="myapp"> <div ng-controller="myctrl"> <p>{{name}}</p> <p>{{lastname}}</p> </div> </div> 控制器省略写法,揣测可能是为了学习方便,工程项目中建议写完整的代码,以免打包后$scope被替换掉. var app=angular.module("m…
Besides sending (or requesting) the actual data to the server API, there’s also often the need to send further metadata that helps the server to correctly interpret our request. Such data is most often sent using HTTP headers. In this lesson we learn…
Structural directives enable you to use an element as a template for creating additional elements. Creating structural directives requires a knowledge of <template> elements, but they're easy and extremely powerful once you undrestand the concepts.…
You can change behaviors of element and @Component properties based on services using @HostBinding in @Directives. This allows you to build @Directives which rely on services to change behavior without the @Component ever needing to know that the Ser…
This post is based on the NG-CONF talk, check the talk by yourself. 1. Dynamiclly add Angular Element into your application: Once you have angular element, then inside your new application, you can use 'docuemnt.createElement' to add it: 2. Lazy load…
Based on the talk from NG-CONF. Check it out by yourself, here is just my own take away :) Differential loading: The basic idea is that, Angular will build tow version of Javascript bundle. One is ES5 version to support all browsers, another one is E…
第一步:安装 Angular CLI 你要使用 Angular CLI 来创建项目.创建应用和库代码,并执行多种开发任务,比如测试.打包和发布. 全局安装 Angular CLI. 要想使用 npm 来安装 CLI,请打开终端/控制台窗口,并输入下列命令: npm install -g @angular/cli 第二步:创建一个工作区和初始化应用 Angular 工作区 就是你开发应用的上下文环境. 每个工作区包含一些供一个或多个项目使用的文件. 每个项目都是一组由应用.库或端到端(e2e)测试…
原文: ------------------------------------------------------------- I already told you about Web Components and Frameworks and now we have to put it into practice so tha…
New use case that is supported by the HTTP client is Progress events. To receive these events, we create our HTTP request manually in the following way: longRequest() { const request = new HttpRequest( "POST", "/api/test-request", {},…
必需:angular分页js和css  当然还有angular.js   还需要bootstrap的css angular.min.js (下面我直接把插件粘贴上去了,以免有的同学还要去找.是不是很贴心!!!) /* AngularJS v1.2.9 */ (function(Z,Q,r){'use strict';function F(b){return function(){var a=arguments[0],c,a="["+(b?b+":":"&q…
AngularJS API Docs Welcome to the AngularJS API docs page. These pages contain the AngularJS reference materials for version 1.2.6 taco-salsafication. 欢迎使用AngularJS API 文档页,这些页面含有了AngularJS (引用材料为1.2.6 taco-salsafication版本) The documentation is organ…
我觉得angularjs是前端框架,而jquery只是前端工具,这两个还是没有可比性的. 看知乎上关于jquery和angular的对比 2009年google feedback project 1500行为了解决ajax开发的痛苦 1. 几个常用的概念a.客户端模板:模板和数据都会发送到浏览器中b.mvc: c.数据绑定:自动将Model和view间的数据同步.angular 实现数据绑定的方式,可以让我们把model…