1.1960年代(大型机) IBM发明了具有二进制兼容性的ISA——System/360,可以兼容一系列的8到64位的硬件产品,而不必更换操作系统.这是通过微编程实现的,每个计算机模型都有各自的ISA解释器,该解释器是用定制于该模型的微指令编写的.(注:首次应用微程序设计和微指令的概念).System/360开创了计算机兼容性的时代,可支持各产品线以及其它公司各个产品型号协同运行.它也标志着新兴的信息科学领域以及对复杂系统的理解的转折点. System/360获得巨大成功,与此相对应的是,大型机…
COMPUTER ORGANIZATION AND ARCHITECTURE DESIGNING FOR PERFORMANCEComputer architectureNINTH EDITION Computer architecture refers to those attributes of a system visible to aprogrammer or, put another way, those attributes that have a direct impact ont…
原文标题:What Your Computer Does While You Wait 原文地址:http://duartes.org/gustavo/blog/ [注:本人水平有限,只好挑一些国外高手的精彩文章翻译一下.一来自己复习,二来与大家分享.] 本文以一个现代的.实际的个人电脑为对象,分析其中CPU(Intel Core 2 Duo 3.0GHz)以及各类子系统的运行速度——延迟和数据吞吐量.通过粗略的估算PC各个组件的相对运行速度,希望能给大家留下一个比较直观的印象.本文中的数据来自…
Types of Computer Systems Para 1 You should be familiar with the differences among computer systems if you want to show a potential employer that you have a fundamental knowledge of computer. Computer come in a variety of sizes and shapes and with a…
[Game Engine Architecture 3] 1.Computing performance—typically measured in millions of instructions per second (MIPS) or floating-point operations per second (FLOPS)—has been improving at a staggeringly rapid and consistent rate over the past four de…
笔记前言: <Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface>,中文译名,<计算机组成与设计:硬件/软件接口>,是计算机组成原理的经典入门教材之一.节奏紧凑又不紧张,内容充实又不冗长,语言表述朴实易懂又不故作高深,是一本非常适合初次接触计算机组成原理的学生阅读的入门教材. 读书笔记系列博客是主要是记录我学习和阅读中的心得和体会.既然是读书笔记,肯定不会面面俱到,那就成了抄书笔记了.所有笔记系列博客力…
SummaryObject-oriented programming was supposed to unify the perspectives of the programmer and the end user in computer code: a boon both to usability and program comprehension. While objects capture structure well, they fail to capture system actio…
An application binary interface includes linkage structures for interfacing a binary application program to a digital computer. A function in a relocatable shared object module obtains the absolute address of a Global Offset Table (GOT) in the module…
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ARM_architecture ARM architecture     ARM architectures The ARM logo Designer ARM Holdings Bits 32-bit or 64-bit Introduced 1985 Design RISC Type Register-Register Branching Condition code Open Proprietary 64/32-bit archi…
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motherboard_form_factor Computer form factor From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   (Redirected from Motherboard form factor)   For computers form factors both larger and smaller than desktop personal computers, see list…