
Solved Pro.ID Title Ratio(Accepted / Submitted)   1001 Minimum Spanning Trees 22.22%(2/9)   1002 Line Graphs 11.11%(2/18)   1003 Valentine's Day 18.66%(692/3709)   1004 Play Games with Rounddog 13.10%(11/84)   1005 Welcome Party 14.36%(497/3461)   10…
Solved Pro.ID Title Ratio(Accepted / Submitted)   1001 Rikka with Quicksort 25.85%(38/147)   1002 Rikka with Cake 31.69%(379/1196)   1003 Rikka with Mista 5.57%(45/808)   1004 Rikka with Geometric Sequence 9.52%(2/21)   1005 Rikka with Game 35.29%(86…
Solved Pro.ID Title Ratio(Accepted / Submitted)   1001 Acesrc and Cube Hypernet 7.32%(3/41)   1002 Acesrc and Girlfriend 4.35%(2/46)   1003 Acesrc and Good Numbers 暴力打表 24.80%(213/859)   1004 Acesrc and Hunting 21.74%(90/414)   1005 Acesrc and String…
Solved Pro.ID Title Ratio(Accepted / Submitted)   1001 A + B = C 10.48%(301/2872)   1002 Bracket Sequences on Tree 11.27%(16/142)   1003 Cuber Occurrence 6.67%(1/15)   1004 Data Structure Problem 23.08%(3/13)   1005 Equation 0.00%(0/63)   1006 Final…
Solved Pro.ID Title Ratio(Accepted / Submitted)   1001 Salty Fish 16.28%(7/43)  OK 1002 Nonsense Time 暴力 7.88%(57/723)   1003 Milk Candy 12.90%(4/31)   1004 Speed Dog 26.97%(48/178)   1005 Snowy Smile 8.52%(225/2640)   1006 Faraway 27.92%(98/351)   1…
Solved Pro.ID Title Ratio(Accepted / Submitted)   1001 fraction 辗转相除 4.17%(7/168) ok  1002 three arrays 字典树+贪心 12.69%(76/599)   1003 geometric problem 1.59%(1/63)   1004 equation 20.65%(310/1501)   1005 permutation 1 24.77%(407/1643)   1006 string ma…
Solved Pro.ID Title Ratio(Accepted / Submitted)   1001 AND Minimum Spanning Tree 31.75%(1018/3206)   1002 Colored Tree 0.00%(0/105)   1003 Divide the Stones 10.35%(126/1217)   1004 Enveloping Convex 0.00%(0/125)   1005 Good Numbers 17.65%(9/51)   100…
Solved Pro.ID Title Ratio(Accepted / Submitted)   1001 Azshara's deep sea 凸包 6.67%(6/90)  …
Solved Pro.ID Title Ratio(Accepted / Submitted)   1001 Another Chess Problem 8.33%(1/12)   1002 Beauty Of Unimodal Sequence 19.07%(74/388)   1003 Coefficient 6.76%(5/74)   1004 Double Tree 0.00%(0/20)   1005 Everything Is Generated In Equal Probabili…
1001 Blank 题意 有一个长度为n(n<=100)的位子,填入四种颜色,有m个限制,某个区间的颜色个数要恰好等于x个.问颜色个数的方案数. 思路 DP 四维的DP,利用滚动数组优化一维空间. 我觉得这个构造的还是比较巧妙的.四维,每一维代表每个颜色最后出现的位子. 保证(i < j < k < L),这样每次向后L增大一位,可以从i,j,k,l四种情况转移而来. #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #def…