One very common operation in programming is to iterate through an Array's contents, apply a test function to each item, and create a new array containing only those items the passed the test. For example, let's say you wanted to loop through an array…
Most JavaScript developers are familiar with the for loop. One of the most common uses of the for loop is to iterate through the items in an array. In this lesson, we will learn how to replace the for loop with the Array's forEach method - and shorte…
One very common operation in programming is to iterate through an Array's contents, apply a function to each item, and create a new array containing the results. For example, let's say you wanted to loop through an array of stock objects and select o…
ECMAScirpt5 中 Array 类中的 filter 方法使用目的是移除所有的 ”false“ 类型元素 (false, null, undefined, 0, NaN or an empty string): var a=[1,2,"b",0,{},"",NaN,3,undefined,null,5]; var b=a.filter(Boolean); // [1,2,"b",{},3,5] Boolean 是一个函数,它会对遍历数组…
The Scala List class filter method implicitly loops over the List/Seq you supply, tests each element of the List with the function you supply. Your function must return true or false, and filter returns the list elements where your function returns t…