基于图形信息的HEVC帧间预测快速算法/Fast Inter-Frame Prediction Algorithm of HEVC Based on Graphic Information <HEVC标准介绍.HEVC帧间预测论文笔记>系列博客,目录见:http://www.cnblogs.com/DwyaneTalk/p/5711333.html Journal of Frontiers of Computer Science and Technology,2014,8(5):537-54…
1.论文“A fast learning algorithm for deep belief nets”的“explaining away”现象的解释: 见:Explaining Away的简单理解 2.论文“A fast learning algorithm for deep belief nets”的整个过程及其“Complementary priors”的解释: 见:paper:A fast learning algorithm for deep belief nets和 [2014041…
Deeplearning原文作者Hinton代码注解 Matlab示例代码为两部分,分别对应不同的论文: . Reducing the Dimensionality of data with neural networks ministdeepauto.m backprop.m rbmhidlinear.m . A fast learing algorithm for deep belief net mnistclassify.m backpropclassfy.m 其余部分代码通用. %%%%…
论文笔记(2):A fast learning algorithm for deep belief nets. 这几天继续学习一篇论文,Hinton的A Fast Learning Algorithm for Deep Belief Nets.这篇论文一开始读起来是相当费劲的,学习了好几天才了解了相关的背景,慢慢的思路也开始清晰起来.DBN算法就是Wake-Sleep算法+RBM,但是论文对Wake-Sleep算法解释特别少.可能还要学习Wake-Sleep和RBM相关的的知识才能慢慢理解,今天…
这篇blog,原来是西弗吉利亚大学的Li xin整理的,CV代码相当的全,不知道要经过多长时间的积累才会有这么丰富的资源,在此谢谢LI Xin .我现在分享给大家,希望可以共同进步!还有,我需要说一下,不管你的理论有多么漂亮,不管你有多聪明,如果没有实验来证明,那么都是错误的. OK~本博文未经允许,禁止转载哦! By wei shen Reproducible Research in Computational Science “It doesn't matter how beautif…
矩阵分解(rank decomposition)文章代码汇总 矩阵分解(rank decomposition) 本文收集了现有矩阵分解的几乎所有算法和应用,原文链接:https://sites.google.com/site/igorcarron2/matrixfactorizations Matrix Decompositions has a long history and generally centers around a set of known factorizations such…
矩阵分解 来源:http://www.cvchina.info/2011/09/05/matrix-factorization-jungle/ 美帝的有心人士收集了市面上的矩阵分解的差点儿全部算法和应用,因为源地址在某神奇物质之外,特转载过来,源地址 Matrix Decompositions has a long history and generally centers around a set of known factorizations such as LU, QR, SVD and…
论文地址:面向基于深度学习的语音增强模型压缩 论文代码:没开源,鼓励大家去向作者要呀,作者是中国人,在语音增强领域 深耕多年 引用格式:Tan K, Wang D L. Towards model compression for deep learning based speech enhancem…
In the last chapter we saw how neural networks can learn their weights and biases using the gradient descent algorithm. There was, however, a gap in our explanation: we didn't discuss how to compute the gradient of the cost function. That's quite a g…
this PR aggregates a lot of small modifications to core, trie, eth and other packages to collectively implement the eth/63 fast synchronization algorithm. In short, geth --fast. 这个提交请求包含了对core,trie,eth和其他一些package的微小的修改,来共同实现eth/63的快速同步算法. 简单来说, geth…
http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/57478/A-Fast-and-Easy-to-Use-AES-Library Introduction EfAesLib is a highly optimized Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) library for the Windows platform 32-bit architecture. The Extreme Fast AES Library is implemen…
Strongly Connected Components A directed graph is strongly connected if there is a path between all pairs of vertices. A strongly connected component (SCC) of a directed graph is a maximal strongly connected subgraph. For example, there are 3 SCCs in…
What does it mean for an algorithm to be fair In 2014 the White House commissioned a 90-day study that culminated in a report (pdf) on the state of “big data” and related technologies. The authors give many recommendations, including this central war…
什么是BLEU? BLEU (Bilingual Evaluation Understudy) is an algorithm for evaluating the quality of text which has been machine-translated from one natural language to another. Quality is considered to be the correspondence between a machine's output and t…
一个同事问我一个问题: 如果FAST Search for SharePoint 2010被full restore到了一个之前的时间点, 那么当FAST Search重新开始一个增量爬网的时候, 会发生什么? FAST Search会查看内容数据库并发现上一次爬网的记录并为新item或更改的item制作索引么? FAST Search会发现索引与现在内容的不一致么? 还是说它直接会再来一次full crawl? Some Basics =================== Fast Se…
xxHash - Extremely fast hash algorithm xxHash is an Extremely fast Hash algorithm, running at RAM speed limits. It successfully completes the SMHasher test suite which evaluates collision, dispersion and randomness qualities of hash functions. Code i…