可能路径设置不对,比如大小写错误导致找不到qmake编译器,点击VS工具栏的QT菜单,选择options,指定qt Build所在的路径(qt安装路径),然后点击ok. 这是修改过默认安装路径的…
my java code of the function: package com.util; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Random; import javax.servlet.ServletException;…
Introduction Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 provides a new set of tools for developing apps for Office and apps for SharePoint, as well as SharePoint farm and sandboxed solutions. By using these tools, developers can easily leverage the familiar Visual…
现在Qt不要光看跨平台了,Qt也有能力和原生应用进行较量的.可以直接去Qt官网查看他和那些厂商合作.关于和Java的比较,框架和Java进行比较似乎不且实际.如果是C++和Java比较,网上有很多文章,可自行翻阅,不要在知乎上看C++和Java比较,黑了C++,捧了Python和PHP.Java呢?晾一边了.在安卓上的话,现在问题可能很多,但是随着Qt的更新,大体解决得七七八八了.Qt on Android 对于原有Qt开发人员和爱好者是一个不错的选择,虽然在Qt可以完成大部分安卓的对应功能,可…
GUIs are Dynamic C++ is a standarized, powerful and elaborate general-purpose language. It's the only language that is exploited on such a wide range of software projects, spanning every kind of application from entire operating systems, database ser…
Can peel peel solve pesticide problem? Middle peasants medicinal modern agriculture more and more, this had to let people eat vegetable fruit more will be on their own, buy fruits and vegetables is washed and washed, afraid of accidentally take pesti…
/*By Jiangong SUN*/ I've encountered a problem in one server, which is : Every time I login into the server, it creates a new temporary user profile for my account. Here is the error message: "You have been logged on with a temporary profile. You can…
一.多核编译 环境:win10, Qt 5.4.1,编译器mingw32 项目: Qt for Android Qt Creator 在编译android项目时不支持预编译,默认cpu单核编译,工程稍大一点导致编译过程极其缓慢,影响效率. 不过Qt Creator自带了多核编译工具支持,只是没有默认开启,需要自己在项目中进行配置才能生效. 步骤如下[以本机和项目为例]: 1.查看是否已经安装了jom工具:C:\Qt\Qt5.4.1\Tools\QtCreator\bin\jom.exe 2.项目…
        Nokia的开源Qt开发工具正式发布了4.5版.如前所述,Qt 4.5最大的变动是换用LGPL许可证,目前采用的三个许可证分别为LGPL/GPL和商业许可证.           新版增强图形系统.数据处理和网络引擎性能,其它主要特性有:提升与WebKit渲染引擎的集成度,包括Netscape浏览器插件API支持,Qt应用程序可以载入Flash:更先进的Web 用户界面效果,包括动画.转换和缩放:新的JavaScript引擎可提供更强的性能.           Qt4.5还被移…
QT与JAVA有点类似,也是一种跨平台的软件(当然在windows平台和linux平台需要安装相应的QT开发环境和运行库,类似于JAVA在不同平台下的虚拟机JVM环境),因此对于某些需要同时支持windows平台和linux平台的应用,QT也是一种不错的选择. QT在linux的开发环境相对简单,只要下载一个Qtcreator就可以轻松搞定:http://qt-project.org/downloads. 而对于Windows下熟悉VS开发的程序员来说,如何将QT与VS结合来开发需要遵循一定的步…