简单介绍Broadcaster的实现. 1. Broadcaster 广播即是把输入口的输入转发到每个输出口输出. Takes in data on one decoupled interface and broadcasts it to N decoupled output interfaces. 2. io a. in:输入口: b. out: n个输出… 简单介绍Replacement的实现. 1. 基本介绍 用于实现Cache替换相关的功能. From: Cache Replacement Policies, Prof. Mikko H. Lipasti, University of Wisconsin-Madison, ECE/CS 752 Spring 2016 2. ReplacementPolicy 代… 简单介绍Repeater的实现. 1. 基本功能 A Repeater passes it's input to it's output, unless repeat is asserted. When repeat is asserted, the Repeater copies the input and repeats it next cycle. 2. 实现 …