在AP模式下,热点会不断定期地发送Beacon帧来宣告自己存在,告知设备可以加入网络: Probe Response帧是用于应答Probe Request帧,Probe Request帧是移动工作站用于扫描周围是否有网络所用 hostapd的配置文件hostapd.conf里的vendor_elements这一项,允许用户(厂商)在Beacon帧和Probe帧里增加自定义的数据: # Additional vendor specfic elements for Beacon and Probe…
Having said that, the remainder of this tutorial uses the following general guidelines when discussing fields and variables. If we are talking about "fields in general" (excluding local variables and parameters), we may simply say "fields&q…
从英文全称翻译出字面意思就OK啦! PV=page view TPS=transactions per second QPS=queries per second RPS=requests per second pv 是指页面被浏览的次数,比如你打开一网页,那么这个网站的pv就算加了一次: tps是每秒内的事务数,比如执行了dml操作,那么相应的tps会增加: qps是指每秒内查询次数,比如执行了select操作,相应的qps会增加.…