Chloe and pleasant prizes】的更多相关文章

Chloe and pleasant prizes time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Generous sponsors of the olympiad in which Chloe and Vladik took part allowed all the participants to choose a pri…
D - Chloe and pleasant prizes 链接 题面 Generous sponsors of the olympiad in which Chloe and Vladik took part allowed all the participants to choose a prize for them on their own. Christmas is coming, so sponso…
Chloe and pleasant prizes time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Generous sponsors of the olympiad in which Chloe and Vladik took part allowed all the participants to choose a pri…
                                                            D. Chloe and pleasant prizes                                                            time limit per test 2 seconds                                                      memory limit per te…
Chloe and pleasant prizes time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Generous sponsors of the olympiad in which Chloe and Vladik took part allowed all the participants to choose a pri…
D. Chloe and pleasant prizes time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Generous sponsors of the olympiad in which Chloe and Vladik took part allowed all the participants to choose a…
time limit per test2 seconds memory limit per test256 megabytes inputstandard input outputstandard output Generous sponsors of the olympiad in which Chloe and Vladik took part allowed all the participants to choose a prize for them on their own. Chri…
这个题的数据真的很毒瘤,身为一个交了8遍的蒟蒻的呐喊(嘤嘤嘤) 个人认为作为一个树状DP的入门题十分合适,同时建议做完这个题之后再去做一下这个题 选课 同时在这里挂一个选取节点型树形DP的状态转移方程: ;i<a[rt].size();i++) { int j=a[rt][i]; dp(j); f[rt][]+=max(f[j][],f[j][]); f[rt][]+=f[j][]; } (PS. j 为 i 的孩子) f[i][0]表示不选i f[i][1]表示选i 使用一个vector来表明… 题意:求最大两个的不相交子树的点权和,如果没有两个不相交子树,那么输出Impossible. 思路:之前好像也做过这种类型的题目啊,知道是树形DP,但是不知道怎么保证两个不相交.看别人代码之后, 在DFS回溯的时候, void dfs(int u, int fa) { sum[u] = w[u]; for(int i = head[u]; ~i; i = edge[i].nxt) { int v = e… 如果我们知道mx[1]表示以1为根节点的子树中,点权值的最大和是多少(可能是整颗树,就是包括了自己).那么,就可以O(n)扫一次各个点,对于每个点的儿子. 选出最大的两个mx[son],更新答案即可.(注意这个节点只有1个或者没有儿子,就要是-inf) 那么怎么得到这个mx[]呢? 可以知道mx[father] = max(所有的mx[son]) 最后还要看看是否能选择整个树,所以用dp[cur]表示以cur…