我们的身边是不是有这样的一群人,他们心肠不坏,容易感伤,但吐槽似乎是常有的事情,看着时下电视电影,说起哪些哪些自己的泪点.一般都是吃货,别人失眠的时候,TA可能在回忆自己刚做了什么梦.我不是要去评论这样的人,因为我也是那样的人,听歌都能听哭的男生,无所谓好坏,这只是人的一种形态.          我们的身边是不是也有着这样的一些人,他们聪明勤奋,对事物和人有自己独到的见解,做事讲究方法,注重细节,很清楚自己要做什么.可以肯定的是,这样的人一般都比较忙,少有幽默感,一般不会去评论娱乐八卦,音乐艺…
Love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of. 相爱不易,相忘更难. The past are hurt, but I think we can run from it or learn from it. If she turns her back on you, you also can turn your back on her. Please be barve when you have to be, for example, you…
1. So far so good.   目前为止,一切都好. 2. Be my guest.     请便.别客气. 3. You're the boss.    听你的. 4.I've heard so much about you.     久仰大名. 5. I'll keep my ears open.      我会留意的. 6. Sorry to bother you.        抱歉打扰你. 7.That's really something!      真了不起! Truly…
The care and maintenance of your adviser Ever since the advent of graduate school, students have complained about their advisers. It is almost an article of faith. The adviser is never available or is too available; gives too much feedback or not eno…
Text The plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all morning. They were expecting a parcel of diamonds from South Africa. A few hours earlier, someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds. When the plan a…
今天,我们来说说java面向对象最核心的东西,多态.通过多态可以使我们的程序可复用性达到极致,这就是我们为什么要学多态的原因. “多态”(Polymorphic)也叫“动态绑定”(Dynamic Binding)同时也叫“迟绑定”(Late Binding). 动态绑定是指“在执行期间(而非编译期间)判断所引用对象的实际类型,根据其实际类型调用其相应的方法.” 程序代码: public class TestPolymorphic{ public static void main(String a…
官网说道: As of PHP 5.3.0, PHP implements a feature called late static bindings which can be used to reference the called class in a context of static inheritance. More precisely, late static bindings work by storing the class named in the last "non-forw…
读书笔记:<为什么大猩猩比专家高明, How We Decide> 英文的书名叫<How We Decide>,可能是出版社的原因,非要弄一个古怪的中文书名<为什么大猩猩比专家高明>想来吸引读者的眼球.全书190页,虽然不长,但看起来有点辛 苦,有些关于大脑结构和原理的地方理解起来有些困难.全书举了不少的例子来说明作者的观点,看完全书后使我对大脑的决定过程有所了解,但想找到几条可转化 为平常的行动的内容不太容易,也就是说知识点不少,但Next Action不好找,可能是…
整理着过去的学习笔记,零零碎碎的,偶尔夹杂着当时的心境. 泛泛的学着东西,不很系统,不很深入,倒像是在拾海,有时捡捡贝壳,有时抓抓螃蟹.叹服大海的神奇,还没来得及深钻某个领域. (以下内容写于2016年8月) 敲着简单的C++代码. 有些一眼觉得特简单,不屑一顾, so easy ,早就会了.但是真的去敲时,总会遇见一些预想不到的问题,但也会发现一些小乐趣. 1.“温故而知新” 比如下面这个小练习,第一感觉是7个cout就解决了,然后又想有没有其他办法呢? 2.给自己找乐子 用for循环解决后,…
Do you think you are going No Where in Life? STOP! Take a deep breathe THINK! New York is three hours ahead of California, but that does not make California slow Cameroon is six hours ahead of New York but it does not make New York slow. Someone grad…