android studio 错误汇总以及解决办法 参考 问题1. Error:Execution failed for task ':app:preDebugAndroidTestBuild'. > Conflict with dependency '' in project ':app'. Resolved versions for a…
vs2015 update3 新建的xamarin.forms项目中的android项目编译错误.提示缺少,96659D653BDE0FAEDB818170891F2BB0.zip等类似错误. Error Download failed. Please download and put it t…
今天在做android项目时,加入第三方包,一编译就报错.错误如下:[2012-01-13 14:51:25 - xxx] Dx warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class($1) that doesn't come with anassociated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced…
打包时报如下错误: Export aborted because fatal lint errors were found. These are listed in the Lint View. Either fix these before running Export again,or turn off"Run full error check when exporting app" in the Android > Lint Error Checking preferenc…
遇到问题描述: 运行android程序控制台输出 [2012-07-18 16:18:26 - ] The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occured. [2012-07-18 16:18:26 - ] You must restart adb and Eclipse. [2012-07-18 16:18:26 - ] Please ensure that adb is correctly located at…
有一次升级android开发工具后发现xml脚本出现错误“Unexpected namespace prefix "xmlns" found for tag LinearLayout”,原来是一个namespace声明只要在xml中出现一次就可以了,多次出现就报错 解决办法: 只保留第一个声明,后面的直接删除就OK了.…
最近的升级Cocos2d-x 3.2正式版.iOS不管是什么程序编译问题,使用结果cocos compile -p android编译APK计划.结果悲剧,出现以下错误. Android NDK: Invalid APP_STL value: c++_static Android NDK: Please use one of the following instead: system stlport_static stlport_static_hard stlport_shared stlpo…
[错误信息] [2011-01-19 16:39:10 - ApiDemos] WARNING: Application does not specify an API level requirement![2011-01-19 16:39:10 - ApiDemos] Device API version is 8 (Android 2.2) 原因: 不影响正常运行.在AndroidManifest.xml文件中没有加API的版本号,在<manifest> </manifest>…
当使用android的AVD时提示以下错误: Starting emulator for AVD 'NexusOne' ERROR: 32-bit Linux Android emulator binaries are DEPRECATED, to use them you will have to do at least one of the following: - Use the '-force-32bit' option when invoking 'emulator'. - Set A…
本人使用的是Android studio1.3版本,前几天调试通过的项目,现在编译出现了错误.错误信息如下 Project app: apk dependencies can only be jars. android:mgimlibs:aar:unspecified is an Android Library. Project app: apk dependencies can only be jars. is an…
错误列表与解决方案: 1.Android studio Gradle project sync failed Android studio 构建项目出错 Error:Unable to start the daemon process: could not reserve enough space for object heap.Please assign more memory to Gradle in the project's file.For exam…
转载自: 1.问题描述: 24\YoumiAndroidSdk\demo\offers\res\menu\main.xml:3: error: No resource identifier found for attribute 'showAsAction' in package 'android' 2.解决方案: 解决办法主要有两种途径: 1,修改可能的XML文件中错误: 2,Android SDK版本可能…