Unhandled Exxception “Unhandled exception type IOException”? 在Android studio中,自动遇见这个异常报错,如果eclipse会自动提示,但是AS提示很抽象,不容易发现,解决方案: You should add "throws IOException" to your main method: public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { Y…
功能:读配置文件 java菜鸟:导入工程在报名处就开始报错,第一次遇到 import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException; package com.test; The type org.apache.commons.lang.exception.NestableException cannot be resolved. It is…
错误信息: Error:(16) Error: "baidutieba_client_inavailable" is not translated in "en" (English) [MissingTranslation] Error:(63) Error: "baidutieba" is not translated in "en" (English) [MissingTranslation] Error:(67) Err…
由于添加ShareSDK文件,导致打包突然报错, 错误信息: Error:(16) Error: "baidutieba_client_inavailable" is not translated in "en" (English) [MissingTranslation] Error:(63) Error: "baidutieba" is not translated in "en" (English) [MissingTr…