
Flip Game Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 37427   Accepted: 16288 Description Flip game is played on a rectangular 4x4 field with two-sided pieces placed on each of its 16 squares. One side of each piece is white and the…
You are playing the following Flip Game with your friend: Given a string that contains only these two characters: + and -, you and your friend take turns to flip twoconsecutive "++" into "--". The game ends when a person can no longer…
You are playing the following Flip Game with your friend: Given a string that contains only these two characters: + and -, you and your friend take turns to flip twoconsecutive "++" into "--". The game ends when a person can no longer…
Flip Game Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 27005   Accepted: 11694 Description Flip game is played on a rectangular 4x4 field with two-sided pieces placed on each of its 16 squares. One side of each piece is white and the…
链接:http://poj.org/problem?id=1753 Flip Game Description Flip game is played on a rectangular 4x4 field with two-sided pieces placed on each of its 16 squares. One side of each piece is white and the other one is black and each piece is lying either i…
题意:4*4的正方形,每个格子有黑白两面,翻转格子使得4*4个格子显示全黑或全白,翻转要求:选中的那个格子,以及其上下左右相邻的格子(如果存在)要同时翻转.输出最小的达到要求的翻转次数或者Impossible(如果不可能) 题目链接:http://poj.org/problem?id=1753 分析:因为每个格子只有黑白两面,所以对于每个格子来说,要么不翻转,要么翻转一次,因为翻转奇数次结果和翻转一次得到的效果是一样的,而翻转偶数次得到的效果和不翻转是一样的,则总共有16个格子,最多要翻转16次…
对缓冲区的读写操作首先要知道缓冲区的下限.上限和当前位置.下面这些变量的值对Buffer类中的某些操作有着至关重要的作用: limit:所有对Buffer读写操作都会以limit变量的值作为上限. position:代表对缓冲区进行读写时,当前游标的位置. capacity:代表缓冲区的最大容量(一般新建一个缓冲区的时候,limit的值和capacity的值默认是相等的). flip.rewind.clear这三个方法便是用来设置这些值的. clear方法 } 以上三种方法均使用final修饰,…
题目链接:http://acm.nyist.net/JudgeOnline/problem.php?pid=529 由于此题槽点太多,所以没忍住...吐槽Time: 看到这题通过率出奇的高然后愉快的进来想水掉...but... 一开始狂百度找讨论区也完全看不懂题意啊, 还好后来通过这些零碎的线索补脑了下面的题意, 能AC但不很确定484题目本意,希望对大家有帮助(话说这样会不会帮倒忙啊^_^). 题目意思:要通过x的二进制的任意位置上的数(0变为1,或1变为0)使十进制的x变为x+1, 一次只能…
  Flip Game Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 32384   Accepted: 14142 Description Flip game is played on a rectangular 4x4 field with two-sided pieces placed on each of its 16 squares. One side of each piece is white and th…
[OpenJudge 3061]Flip The Card 试题描述 There are N× Ncards, which form an N× Nmatrix. The cards can be placed upwards or downwards. Now Acer is going to do some operations so that all the cards are placed upwards after the operations. In each operation,…