进来Bear正在学习巩固并行的基础知识,所以写下这篇基础的有关并行算法的文章. 在讲述两个算法之前,需要明确一些概念性的问题, Race Condition(竞争条件),Situations like this, where two or more processes are reading or writing some shared data and the final result depends on who runs precisely when, are called…
正交匹配追踪(OMP)算法的MATLAB函数代码并给出单次测试例程代码 测量数M与重构成功概率关系曲线绘制例程代码 信号稀疏度K与重构成功概率关系曲线绘制例程代码 参考来源:http://blog.csdn.net/jbb0523/article/details/45130793 参考文献:Joel A. Tropp and Anna C. Gilbert. Signal Recovery From Random Measurements Via Orthogonal Matching Pu…