[题意]给定一个长度为N的数列,M个询问区间[L,R]内大于等于A小于等于B的数的个数. [题目链接]http://acm.upc.edu.cn/problem.php?id=2224 省赛的时候脑抽想了10min没想出来就看别的题去了= =,赛后又想了10min想出来了并且1Y...真嫌弃自己= =... [分析]如果做过询问区间[L,R]内小于H的个数的那道线段树题(HDU 4417 2012年杭州赛区网络赛)那么这题就好想了.那在这里再说一下做法:{将所有的询问离线读入之后,按H从小到大排…
Problem H:Boring Counting Time Limit : 6000/3000ms (Java/Other)   Memory Limit : 65535/32768K (Java/Other) Problem Description In this problem you are given a number sequence P consisting of N integer and Pi is the ith element in the sequence. Now yo…
A : Rescue The Princess 题意: 给你平面上的两个点A,B,求点C使得A,B,C逆时针成等边三角形. 思路: http://www.cnblogs.com/E-star/archive/2013/06/11/3131563.html   向量的旋转. 直接套公式就行,或者我们可以找到等式解一个二元一次方程然后向量判断方向即可.我比较懒,就写了向量旋转的. #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cm…
Description Several days ago, a beast caught a beautiful princess and the princess was put in prison. To rescue the princess, a prince who wanted to marry  the princess set out immediately. Yet, the beast set a maze. Only if the prince find out the m…
Rescue The Princess Time Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MBSubmit: 412  Solved: 168[Submit][Status][Web Board] Description Several days ago, a beast caught a beautiful princess and the princess was put in prison. To rescue the princess, a prince who…
题目链接:http://acm.upc.edu.cn/problem.php?id=2224 题意:给出n个数pi,和m个查询,每个查询给出l,r,a,b,让你求在区间l~r之间的pi的个数(A<=pi<=B,l<=i<=r). 参考链接:http://www.cnblogs.com/zj62/p/3558967.html #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #incl…
2013年"浪潮杯"山东省第四届ACM大学生程序设计竞赛排名:http://acm.upc.edu.cn/ranklist/ 一.第J题坑爹大水题,模拟一下就行了 J:Contest Print Server [题解]: 题目大意:输入 n,s,x,y,mod  分别队伍数n,还有一个s生成函数 s=((s*x)+y)%mod,就是打印机根据要求打印纸张,打印到s时,打印机将重置,生成新的s [code]: #include <iostream> #include <…
Boring Counting Time Limit: 3000ms   Memory limit: 65536K  有疑问?点这里^_^ 题目描述     In this problem you are given a number sequence P consisting of N integer and Pi is the ith element in the sequence. Now you task is to answer a list of queries, for each…
Alice and Bob Time Limit: 1000ms   Memory limit: 65536K 题目描述 Alice and Bob like playing games very much.Today, they introduce a new game. There is a polynomial like this: (a0*x^(2^0)+1) * (a1 * x^(2^1)+1)*.......*(an-1 * x^(2^(n-1))+1). Then Alice as…
点击打开链接 2226: Contest Print Server Time Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MB Submit: 53  Solved: 18 [Submit][Status][Web Board] Description In ACM/ICPC on-site contests ,3 students share 1 computer,so you can print your source code any time. Here you ne…