引用原文:http://foolraty.iteye.com/blog/1107803 For DBMS_JOB usage:To find out more information about that failing job you can simply go over the job number and select the needed information from the view dba_jobs. SQL>select job, what from dba_jobs ; Fo…
环境: A机:RHEL5.5 + Oracle B机:RHEL5.5 需求: A机10.2.0.4数据库,在B机升级到11.2.0.4,应用最新PSU补丁程序. 目录: 一. 确认是否可以直接升级 二. B机安装11g软件,打好PSU补丁 三. B机环境变量检查 四. B机创建需要的目录 五. A机原库升级前检查 5.1 从B机上传utlu112i.sql脚本到A机 5.2 A机执行utlu112i.sql进行升级前检查 5.3 根据检查结果调整A机数据库 六. A机备份原库…
from :https://community.oracle.com/thread/648581 This is one of the most common Scheduler questions asked. Here we list some of the common problems and their solutions. 1) job_queue_processes may be too low (this is the most common problem) The value…
---------------------------陈旧的-------------------------------------/*--------------------- 创建job ---------------------------  variable jobno number;    begin   dbms_job.submit(jobno,   'book_yuqi011;',    sysdate,    'sysdate+1/24/60');   commit;end;…
一.概述 Oralce中的任务有2种:Job和Dbms_job,两者的区别有: 1.  jobs是oracle数据库的对象, dbms_jobs只是jobs对象的一个实例, 就像对于tables, emp和dept都是表的实例. 2.  创建方式也有差异,Job是通过调用dbms_scheduler.create_job包创建的,Dbms_job则是通过调用dbms_job.submit包创建的. 3.  两种任务的查询视图都分为dba和普通用户的,Job对应的查询视图是dba_schedule…
以前一般使用dbms_job来创建job,oracle10g以后推荐使用dbms_scheduler来创建定时任务,dbms_scheduler功能更为强大.一个创建job的例子: begin sys.dbms_scheduler.create_job(job_name => 'CMDEV.每天执行某件事', job_type => 'STORED_PROCEDURE', job_action => 'SP_ExecSomething', start_date => to_date…
There is no procedure within the dbms_job package to stop a running job.You will need to determine which Oracle session and process is associated with this running job and then kill it. You can run the following query to see job processes: Find the s…
a.创建job: dbms_job.submit(jobno,what,next_date,interval);b.删除job: dbms_job.remove(jobno); c.修改要执行的操作: job:dbms_job.what(jobno, what); d.修改下次执行时间:dbms_job.next_date(jobno, next_date); e.修改间隔时间:dbms_job.interval(jobno, interval);f.启动job: dbms_job.run(jo…
一.dbms_job学习 a.创建job: dbms_job.submit(jobno,what,next_date,interval);b.删除job: dbms_job.remove(jobno); c.修改要执行的操作: job:dbms_job.what(jobno, what); d.修改下次执行时间:dbms_job.next_date(jobno, next_date); e.修改间隔时间:dbms_job.interval(jobno, interval);f.启动job: db…
添加一个任务,怎么老是报错 [SQL] DECLARE job1 number; begin dbms_job.submit(job1,'RESTUDY_SCORE_IMPORT',sysdate,'sysdate+1/48'); commit; end; : 第 行, 第 列: PLS: 出现符号 "END"在需要下列之一时: := . ( @ % ; 符号 ";" 被替换为 "END" 后继续. ORA: 在 "SYS.DBMS_J…