出现这种问题说明bam/cram文件没有进行index. Samtool能解决这个问题,以bam文件为例,输入以下命令行即可解决问题: /path/to/your/samtools index file.bam…
最近从公共数据库下载了一堆bam文件和reference 基因组文件,重新分析外显子流程时,跑出了“Exception in thread "main" picard.PicardException: New reference sequence does not contain a matching contig for NC_007605”这个错误. 源代码是这样的: java -jar picard.jar ReorderSam \ I=original.bam \ O=reor…
以下链接给出了解决方案:https://gatkforums.broadinstitute.org/gatk/discussion/4290/sam-bin-field-error-for-the-gatk-run 下面详细说明怎么解决这个问题. 首先需要下载htsjdk软件,下载地址: http://central.maven.org/maven2/com/github/samtools/htsjdk/1.133/htsjdk-1.133.jar 在Linux上,可以输入以下命令下载该包: w…
locust--scalable user load testing tool writen in Python(是用python写的.规模化.可扩展的测试性能的工具) 安装locustio需要的环境条件是:Python2.6+,但是不支持Python3. 今天在cmd里运行pip install locustio,报错提示:error: invalid command 'bdist_wheel'. 原因:pip和setuptools的版本较低. 解决方案:升级pip和setuptools. 一…
在apache配置文件里面加了AuthType PFApacheAgent,,结果重启apache的时候歇菜了,,总是报上面的错, <Directory />AllowOverride noneOptions NoneAuthType PFApacheAgentRequire all granted </Directory> 网上搜索有说,在Apache2.4版本中,提供了由mod_authz_host支持的新的访问控制配置语法.而2.2版本中的Order.Allow等命令在新版本…
之前在文章Win7系统64位环境下使用Apache--Apache2.4整合Tomcat与mod_jk提到了安装Apache2.4时有可能报错: Invalid command 'Order', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration 这里单独说一下. 安装Apache2.4的时候,有时候会修改文件: ${Apache2.4}/conf/extra/httpd-vhost…
http://supp.iar.com/Support/?Note=47884 Technical Note 47884 Build from the command line The alternatives below are exemplified for Embedded Workbench for ARM (EWARM), but can be easily be modified for another EW target.This Technical Note might be h…
w https://curl.haxx.se/docs/http-cookies.html curl has a full cookie "engine" built in. If you just activate it, you can have curl receive and send cookies exactly as mandated in the specs. Command line options: -b, --cookie tell curl a file to…
Delphi has a well developed command line build process (via MSBuild) for Windows projects. After the introduction of FireMonkey, MSBuild was altered to allow users to build non-Win projects. After you build a project, if you want to deploy it to plat…
方法1 IDEA 运行报错:Error running '***': Command line is too long 技术标签: IDEA     Error running 'Test': Command line is too long. Shorten command line for Test or also for Application default configuration解决方案:点击Run–>Edit Configurations 方法2 新项目再Idea里面启动的时候,…