BUILDING WITH BOOTSTRAP Bootstrap Generalizations You just built an impressive webpage using the Bootstrap CSS framework. Nice work! Let's take a moment to review the core concepts learned in this lesson WEB CONCEPTS CSS Framework: Set of prewritten…
各平台的GOOS和GOARCH参考 OS ARCH OS version linux 386 / amd64 / arm >= Linux 2.6 darwin 386 / amd64 OS X (Snow Leopard + Lion) freebsd 386 / amd64 >= FreeBSD 7 windows 386 / amd64 >= Windows 2000 $ cd /usr/local/go/src $ sudo CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GO…
参考文档1: 参考文档2: 通常情况下,安装go只需要在官网(下载适合系统的二进制发布包,按照安装说明进行安装即可. 对于Linux, Mac OS X和FreeBSD系统下的安装,三步即可完成: 1.下载tarballs文件go$VERSION.$OS-$ARCH.t…