java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Document base D:\apache-tomcat-6.0.45\webapps\erp does not exist or is not a readable directory at org.apache.naming.resources.FileDirContext.setDocBase( at org.apache.catalina.core.Standard… 新安装一个Tomcat,我们肯定会删除Tomcat Webapps下的自带项目,在考入我们自己的项目,这个启动Tomcat 可能会报:Java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Document base D:\wx\tomcat6\webapps\host-manager does not exist or is not a readable direc…
新安装了一个tomcat6,安装完之后在webapps下面会有一些tomcat自带的项目( 把这些没用的项目删掉之后,启动tomcat 报如下错误 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Document base D:\tomcat\webapps\host-manager does not exist or is not a readable directory at org.apache.naming…
启动tomcat的时候报如下错误: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Document base F:\java\tools\tomcat\me-webapps\drp1.1 does not exist or is not a readable directory at org.apache.naming.resources.FileDirContext.setDocBase( at org.a…
问题描述: 严重: Error starting static Resourcesjava.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Document base D:\Code\MyJavaCode\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp0\wtpwebapps\newsInfoCrawler does not exist or is not a readable directory 解决办法: 需要执行下面操作:…
关于Tomcat的 Document base ……does not exist or is not a readable directory错误 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Document base E:\program\workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp1\wtpwebapps\Echarts does not exist or is not a readabl…
1.报错IllegalArgumentException: The AJP Connector is configured with secretRequired="true" but the secret 2.tomcat版本:Apache Tomcat/8.5.51 参考: vim /opt/application/tomcat/wxqyh_18086… 前提:开启TOMCAT,MYsql MySQL DBCP Example0. Introduction Versions of MySQL and JDBC drivers that have been reported to work: MySQL 3.23.47, MySQL 3.23.47 using InnoDB,, MySQL 3.23…
使用eclipse,启动Tomcat时出现The JRE could not be found ,Edit server and change teh JRE location的错误提示! 原因:重装系统后,未配置或未正确配置JDK (路径) 解决方案:如下 EClipse -> windows -> prefreances -> server -> runtimes Environments -> 选中Tomcat -> edit ->弹出Tomcat Serv…