A. Visiting a Friend time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Pig is visiting a friend. Pig's house is located at point 0, and his friend's house is located at point m on an axis. Pi…
// 从大作业和实验报告中爬出来水一发 // 补题...还是得排在写完实验报告之后... A. Visiting a Friend 题意 给定若干段行车区间,问能否从起点到终点 思路 扫描一遍,维护最远的终点 Code #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long LL; int x[110], y[110]; int main() { int n, m; scanf("%d%d", &…
I have a very nice shaper in my linux box :-) How the configurator works — it’s another question, here i will try to describe how one could configure her shaper with hash-based filtering. So, this page about configuring linux kernel traffic shaper, w…
Kernelized Locality-Sensitive Hashing Page Brian Kulis (1) and Kristen Grauman (2)(1) UC Berkeley EECS and ICSI, Berkeley, CA(2) University of Texas, Department of Computer Sciences, Austin, TX Introduction Fast indexing and search for large databa…
python机器学习-乳腺癌细胞挖掘(博主亲自录制视频)https://study.163.com/course/introduction.htm?courseId=1005269003&utm_campaign=commission&utm_source=cp-400000000398149&utm_medium=share CatBoost Enables Fast Gradient Boosting on Decision Trees Using GPUs https://d…
For a undirected graph with tree characteristics, we can choose any node as the root. The result graph is then a rooted tree. Among all possible rooted trees, those with minimum height are called minimum height trees (MHTs). Given such a graph, write…
Given n, how many structurally unique BST's (binary search trees) that store values 1...n? For example,Given n = 3, there are a total of 5 unique BST's. 1 3 3 2 1 \ / / / \ \ 3 2 1 1 3 2 / / \ \ 2 1 2 3 这道题实际上是Catalan Number卡塔兰数的一个例子,如果对卡塔兰数不熟悉的童鞋可能真…
Given n, generate all structurally unique BST's (binary search trees) that store values 1...n. For example,Given n = 3, your program should return all 5 unique BST's shown below. 1 3 3 2 1 \ / / / \ \ 3 2 1 1 3 2 / / \ \ 2 1 2 3 confused what "{1,#,2…
Given n, generate all structurally unique BST's (binary search trees) that store values 1...n. For example, Given n = 3, your program should return all 5 unique BST's shown below. 1 3 3 2 1 \ …
http://staff.city.ac.uk/~ross/papers/FingerTree.html Summary We present 2-3 finger trees, a functional representation of persistent sequences supporting access to the ends in amortized constant time, and concatenation and splitting in time logarithmi…