有一个图像分块的代码,可以直接将一幅图像分为5*5的小块,代码如下: %[FileName,PathName] = uigetfile('*.*','Select the image'); Im=imread('Bicubic flowers.bmp'); imshow(Im) hold on L = size(Im); height=5; width=5; max_row = floor(L(1)/height);%实验图片为800*1280,则max_row=5,max_col=8 max_…
经常在群里有人问,创建图像的时候为什么老是提示下面的信息. CPLError: Driver GTiff does not support DCAP_CREATE creation option Warning 6: Driver GTiff does not support DCAP_CREATE creation option CPLError: Driver GTiff does not support DCAP_CREATECOPY creation option Warning 6:…
1.prepareForSegue: Now we know what the destinationViewController is we can set its data properties. To receive information back from a scene we use delegation. Both are shown simply in the following code snipped. -(void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboard…