一. 1.Introduction的作用是给类动态的增加方法 When Spring discovers a bean annotated with @Aspect , it will automatically create a proxy that delegates calls to either the proxied bean or to the introduction implementation, depending on whether the method called be…
一. 不同的Aop框架在支持aspect何时.如何织入到目标中是不一样的.如AspectJ和Jboss支持在构造函数和field被修改时织入,但spring不支持,spring只支持一般method的织入.spring通过以下四种方式支持AOP:  Classic Spring proxy-based AOP Pure- POJO aspects @AspectJ annotation-driven aspects Injected AspectJ aspects (available…
一.用placeholder给bean运行时注入值的步骤 Spring取得placeholder的值是用${...} 1.声明placeholder bean (1)java方式 In order to use placeholder values, you must configure either a PropertyPlaceholder-Configurer bean or a PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer bean. Starting wit…
一. 假设有如下情况,有一个演凑者和一批观众,要实现在演凑者的演凑方法前织入观众的"坐下"."关手机方法",在演凑结束后,如果成功,则织入观众"鼓掌",演凑出错则观众要求"回水" 基本的类如下: 1. package com.springinaction.springidol; public interface Instrument { public void play(); } 2. package com.springin…
一. 1.在Spring中,pointcut是通过AspectJ’s pointcut expression language来定义的,但spring只支持它的一部分,如果超出范围就会报IllegalArgumentException,支持的语法如下: 其实就是支持execution(),然后通过其他的标签来缩小范围 2.例子 package concert; public interface Performance { public void perform(); } (1)不限返回类型,不限…
一. 1.Advice Advice是切面的要做的操作,它定义了what.when(什么时候要做什么事) aspects have a purpose—a job they’re meant to do. In AOP terms, the jobof an aspect is called advice.Advice defines both the what and the when of an aspect. In addition to describingthe job that an…
一. 直观的给bean注入值如下: @Bean public CompactDisc sgtPeppers() { return new BlankDisc( "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band", "The Beatles"); } < bean id = "sgtPeppers" class = "soundsystem.BlankDisc" c: _title = &quo…
一. 1. package concert; public interface CriticismEngine { public String getCriticism(); } 2. package concert; public class CriticismEngineImpl implements CriticismEngine { public CriticismEngineImpl() {} // injected private String[] criticismPool; pu…
一. 1.配置文件为xml时则切面类不用写aop的anotation package com.springinaction.springidol; public class Magician implements MindReader { private String thoughts; public void interceptThoughts(String thoughts) { System.out.println("Intercepting volunteer's thoughts&qu…