from Adis Jugo The Southern Side – SharePoint thoughts and bytes // SharePoint MVP Home Architecture Speaking About Navigation Home Architec…
The Newsfeed is a key piece in SP2013's approach to social computing. It appears on the landing page of My Site as below: This is actually a web part titled Newsfeed, and can be found under the Social Collaboration category. Now, you may want to have…
from: The most important change in SharePoint 2013 for developers is the introduction of SharePoint apps. An app for SharePoint is a small and isolated a…
SharePoint 2013引用了WF4.0 Foundation,支持使用Designer和Visio进行设计,但是功能受限,而Visual Studio可以开发功能更加丰富的工作流,下面我们简单举个例子. 1.本例使用的是VS 2013版本,新建一个SharePoint空项目: 2.部署为服务器场解决方案,如下图: 3.添加新项,选择工作流模板,如下图: 4.本例选择列表工作流,当然你按照自己的需要选择: 5.选择关联的列表,新建历史记录和任务列表[如果存在可不新建,使用已存在即可]: 6… I'm currently playing with a POC for an App, and wanted to try to do the App as a SharePoint hosted one, only using JavaScript and REST. The starting point was to call _…
原帖: So, how exactly does the code provided in the previous post work? What follows is a visual explanation of Google Maps, zoom levels, and how you go about adding support for…
cls $featureid = 'a7a2793e-67cd-4dc1-9fd0-43f61581207a'$webapps = Get-spWebApplicationforeach($webapp in $webapps) { foreach($site in $webapp.Sites) { foreach($webapp in $site.AllWebs) { Disable-SPFeature –identity $featureid -Confirm:$false -URL $we…
一直以来,对于SharePoint母版页的创建,都是使用SharePoint Designer来创建和修改的,而后接触了SharePoint 2013,发现可以使用Html文件,通过设计管理器导入,然后生成Master页面使用,但是效果不是很好. 其实,SharePoint还可以通过代码方式创建和部署母版页,创建的过程比较简单,篇幅很短,也不需要很详细的解说,相信了解开发的人,很容易就能搞定.之前浏览博客.逛论坛没发现类似的文章,所以,我也希望用简单的图文方式,将这个小思路介绍给大家. 1.创建…
博客地址: 本篇我们来讲述一下关于SharePoint中我的网站(My Sites)相关的东西. 我的网站是SharePoint 2013中面向终端用户(End User)的平台,在2013版本中它是SharePoint功能中社交模块的集中体现. 我的网站为用户提供了丰富的社交网络和协作功能,这些功能允许用户与组织中的人员浏览和共享兴趣.计划.业务关系.内容及其他数据. 我的网站使用户可以轻松地共享关于自己及其工作的信息,这种信息共享可以鼓…
Time again to attempt to implement that exciting technology, Federation Services (Web Single Sign On, SAML, WS-Federation, or whatever you want to call it) with SharePoint. Last time we tried this, SharePoint 2010 was a baby product, MS was just test…