How to Pronounce the Word SOMETHING】的更多相关文章

How to Pronounce the Word OR Share Tweet Share Tagged With: OR Reduction Study the OR reduction.  There are many reductions in conversational American English. It’s important to know what they are to improve listening comprehension, but also to use t…
How to Pronounce the Word ARE Share Tweet Share Tagged With: ARE Reduction Study the ARE reduction.  There are many reductions in conversational American English. It’s important to know what they are to improve listening comprehension, but also to us…
How to Pronounce the word BECAUSE Share Tweet Share Tagged With: BECAUSE Reduction Study the BECAUSE reduction.  There are many reductions in conversational American English. It’s important to know what they are to improve listening comprehension, bu…
How to Pronounce the Word ‘TO’ Share Tweet Share Tagged With: TO Reduction Study the TO reduction.  There are many reductions in conversational American English. It’s important to know what they are to improve listening comprehension, but also to use…
How to Pronounce the Word SOMETHING Share Tweet Share Something tells me you’re going to like this video!  Learn how to practice this word by breaking it down sound by sound, knowing what’s stressed and what’s not.  Then put it all together to feel c…
How to Pronounce the Word THEM Share Tweet Share Tagged With: THEM Reduction Study the THEM reduction.  There are many reductions in conversational American English. It’s important to know what they are to improve listening comprehension, but also to…
Reduction: the word AT Share Tweet Share Tagged With: AT Reduction Study the AT reduction.  There are many reductions in conversational American English. It’s important to know what they are to improve listening comprehension, but also to use the red…
Examples: How to Pronounce T Share Tweet Share Tagged With: Flap T, Stop T The [t] sound is not always the [t] sound in American English!  Learn how and when to make the alternate pronunciations of the Flap T and the Stop T to greatly improve your ac…
2018-04-26 15:53 英语口语 吉米老师前言:如果让老外评选十大Chinglish之最,老师猜"how to say"一定榜上有名.几乎每一位学习英语的童鞋,都曾有过脱口而出这句话的经历.所以,今天就让老师来帮你分析日常生活中会遇到的3种表达"怎么说"的情景,还有它们的正确说法吧. 你或许会想问,"How to say"究竟错在了哪里呢?其实,单单看这3个单词的组合,那是没什么错的,比如"I don't know how t…
English Conversation – Checking in at an airport Share Tweet Share Tagged With: Ben Franklin Exercises, Exercises Study the phrases you need to know when checking in at an airport and how to pronounce them!  Travel without stress.  Check out Vicki an…
Pronunciation Guide for 25 Common Fruits Share Tweet Share Tagged With: Vocabulary Words Know how to pronounce all 25 of the most common fruits?  Use this video to check your knowledge and correct your pronunciation where you’re making mistakes! YouT…
JULIA BOORSTIN — Interview a Broadcaster! Share Tweet Share Tagged With: Interview a Broadcaster Study conversational English in this interview with NBC Broadcaster Julia Boorstin. See how even professionals use reductions and contractions all the ti…
English Conversation – NUMBERS Share Tweet Share Tagged With: Numbers Study the pronunciation of numbers in real English Conversation.  How to pronounce 13 vs. 30, and much more. See these videos on NUMBERS pronunciation:…
推荐一个cml项目, 呃呃,运行了项目只能够说开发者好牛逼,数据处理很厉害, 这个是最后的结果,然后要进行效果查看,估计你得等明天 哇塞,项目里面的数据处理我觉得其实有些麻烦,来来来,我们一起分析代码 我们先来看数据处理部分 这个是state状态部分 const state = { userInfo: { days: 0, plan: 25, status: "normal", date: ""…
How to Pronounce Word vs. World Share Tweet Share Tagged With: Comparison, Dark L What is the difference between WORD and WORLD?  Just the Dark L.  Many student have a hard time with the UR vowel, the R consonant, and the Dark L.  But after watching…
Think you can pronounce these 10 words correctly?  You might be surprised! Share Tweet Share Tagged With: 100 Most Common Words I’m having so much fun with it!  If you can pronounce all 10 of these words exactly right, you’re doing very well. YouTube…
How to Pronounce AR, ORN, etc. Share Tweet Share The R consonant can be really tricky.  In this video, we go over the R sound at the end of a stressed syllable.  Example words:  car, hard, morning, born.  How does it impact the vowel? YouTube blocked…
How to Pronounce T + Dark L Share Tweet Share Tagged With: Dark L The T and Dark L combination is common, appearing in words like ‘little’.  What should you do with your tongue to make these sounds next to each other?  Learn in this video. YouTube bl…
How to Pronounce Numbers 11 – 19 Share Tweet Share Tagged With: Numbers Numbers are something you’ll use constantly in conversational English, from amounts to times of day. Get more comfortable with the pronunciation of numbers. YouTube blocked? Clic…
How to Pronounce the Letters NG – No Hard G Share Tweet Share Most of the time when you see the letters NG, you want to pronounce them as one sound only, the NG sound [ŋ]. Can you make this sound without a hard G [g] sound? YouTube blocked? Click her…
How to Pronounce the Numbers 1 – 10 Share Tweet Share Tagged With: Numbers Numbers are something you’ll use constantly in conversational English, from amounts to times of day.  Get more comfortable with the pronunciation of numbers. YouTube blocked? …
How to Pronounce the Months of the Year Share Tweet Share Tagged With: Most Popular Some of the months of the year are a challenge to say: long words, silent letters! Say the months of the year confidently by breaking down each word sound by sound, k…
How to Pronounce Numbers 20 – 1 Billion Share Tweet Share Tagged With: Numbers Numbers are something you’ll use constantly in conversational English, from amounts to times of day.  Get more comfortable with the pronunciation of numbers.  This video t…
English: How to Pronounce R [ɹ] Consonant Share Tweet Share Tagged With: Most Popular, Sound How-To This consonant is probably the hardest sound in American English!  You’ll get a better idea of how to make this sound by looking at the tongue positio…
How to Pronounce We’ll Contraction Share Tweet Share Tagged With: WILL Contractions There are several ways you can pronounce this contraction, to make the sound more relaxed. YouTube blocked? Click here to see the video. Video Text: A quick study in…
How to Pronounce the Days of the Week Share Tweet Share Vocabulary study:  how to pronounce the days of the week in American English.  Learn the pronunciation of Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. YouTube blocked? Cli…
How to Pronounce the 50 States (1/4) Share Tweet Share Tagged With: Places The US state names can be tricky.  In this 4-video series, I’ll go over how to pronounce each one of the state names.  Remember, people from different regions might use a diff…
How to Pronounce Work vs. Walk Share Tweet Share Tagged With: Comparison If you’re confused about the R and L sounds, you probably have a tough time with these two words.  Learn about the different mouth positions to help you make these two words cle…
How to Pronounce the I in ING Share Tweet Share Tagged With: ING Verbs The I in ING is the IH as in SIT vowel, according to the IPA.  However, in practice, many Americans make a sound that is closer to the EE as in SHE vowel. YouTube blocked? Click h…
How to Pronounce SAY, SAYS, and SAID Share Tweet Share Tagged With: Comparison I’ve noticed many non-native speakers mix up the pronunciations of these words.  The vowel in SAY is not the same as the vowel in SAYS. YouTube blocked? Click here to see…