SpagoBI Lesson 5: Creating a dashboard with BIRT and SpagoBI Creating a dashboard with BIRT and SpagoBI In this chapter, we will be creating a dashboard using the BIRT reporting engine and then we will host it in the SpagoBI server. Assume that the b…
SapgoBI Lesson 1: Introduction and Installation Downloading and installing SpagoBI. Download SpagoBI at the URL There are two components that we will need for this course: SpagoBI Server - This…
SpagoBI Lesson 4: BIRT Reports BIRT BIRT is the acronym for Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools and is an open source initiative to create a fully functional reporting tool using open source tools. BIRT supports various types of reports such as…
SpagoBI Lesson 3: Highchart Dashboards Business Intelligence dashboards Every car comes with a dash board which has several gauges that alerts the driver when an important event have occurred. It might be that the car is running low on fuel or the en…
SpagoBI Lesson 2: OLAP with JPIVOT Online Analytical Processing Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) enables one to analyze different dimensions of multidimensional data. It enables one to analyze data from different perspectives. Consider sales data…
Console Designer 1 Console Designer Console Designer 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Dataset Tab 1.3 Summary Panel Tab 1.4 Detail Panel Tab 1.5 Deploy 1.1 Introduction In this quick start guide we introduce the Console Designer inside the SpagoBI Studio. This e…
SpagoBI4.2汉化及配置Mysql数据库教程 商务智能套件SpagoBI提供一个基于J2EE的框架用于管理BI对象如报表.OLAP分析.仪表盘.记分卡以及数据挖掘模型等的开源BI产品.它提供的BI管理器能 够控制.校验.验证与分发这些BI对象. SpagoBI特性包括支持文档管理.元数据管理.数据挖掘与地理信息分析. 1.安装Mysql数据库 2.安装JDK并配置JAVA环境变量 3.下载SapagoBI4.2 al…
HTML5 Dashboard 是一个 Mozilla 推出的项目,里面展示了最前沿的 HTML5,CSS3,JavaScript 技术.每一项技术都有简洁,在线演示以及详细的文档链接.这些技术将成为未来一段时间 Web 开发的顶尖技术,如果不想落伍的话就赶紧来看看吧. 您可能感兴趣的相关文章 HTML5 实战教程,提升综合开发能力 小伙伴们惊呆了!8个超炫的 Web 效果 35个让人惊讶的 CSS3 动画效果演示 8个惊艳的 HTML5 和 JavaScript 特效 60款很酷的 jQuer…
jQuery Mobile 是 jQuery 在手机上和平板设备上的版本.jQuery Mobile不仅会给主流移动平台带来jQuery核心库,而且会发布一个完整统一的jQuery移动UI框架.虽然jQuery Mobile相对较新,但开发人员可以用jQuery Mobile为许多移动设备(包括智能手机和平板电脑)开发网站应用程序,RSS阅读器等应用.本文将为大家介绍8个有用的jQuery Mobile移动教程. 1. Creating a Website Using JQuery Mobile…
[译]Vulkan教程(05)Instance Creating an instance 创建一个instance The very first thing you need to do is initialize the Vulkan library by creating an instance. The instance is the connection between your application and the Vulkan library and creating it inv…