基于声明的认证方式,其最大特性是可传递(一方面是由授信的Issuer,即claims持有方,发送到你的应用上,注意信任是单向的.例如QQ集成登录,登录成功后,QQ会向你的应用发送claims.另一方面可在Issuer之间传递,例如A公司的AD和B公司的AD之间传递),主要用于第三方认证和单点登陆(For claims-based applications,single sign-on for the web is sometimes called passive federation). A c…
//http://blog.sharedove.com/adisjugo/index.php/2011/01/05/writing-a-custom-membership-provider-and-using-it-for-fba-forms-based-authentication-in-sharepoint-2010-from-the-scratch/ Developing a Custom Membership Provider from the scratch, and using it…
Most of the literature concerning the theme of authentication in ASP.NET Core focuses on the use of the ASP.NET Identity framework. In that context, things don’t seem to have changed much or, more precisely, all the changes that occurred in the infra…
  You've created a web API, but now you want to control access to it. In this series of articles, we'll look at some options for securing a web API from unauthorized users. This series will cover both authentication and authorization. Authentication …
Introduction You can download the Visual Studio solutions for this article at this location. With all the Nuget binaries, it's about 57 MB (too big to be hosted here at CodeProject.com). The out-of-the-box authentication and authorization mechanisms…
最近把一个Asp .net core 2.0的项目迁移到Asp .net core 3.1,项目启动的时候直接报错: InvalidOperationException: Endpoint CoreAuthorization.Controllers.HomeController.Index (CoreAuthorization) contains authorization metadata, but a middleware was not found that supports author…
搞不太清楚Authentication和Authorization的区别,在网上搜了一下,lucky16的一篇文章讲的通俗,看了就懂,记录下来: 你要登机,你需要出示你的身份证和机票,身份证是为了证明你张三确实是你张三,这就是 authentication:而机票是为了证明你张三确实买了票可以上飞机,这就是 authorization. 在 computer science 领域再举个例子: 你要登陆论坛,输入用户名张三,密码1234,密码正确,证明你张三确实是张三,这就是 authentica…
认证和授权的区别 Authentication vs. Authorization简单来说,认证(Authentication )是用来回答以下问题: 用户是谁 当前用户是否真的是他所代表的角色 通常来说,一个登陆系统,就是一个认证的系统. 那么授权(Authorization)又是什么呢?授权通常是用来回答以下问题: 用户A是否被授权访问资源R 用户A是否被授权执行P操作 常见的例如密码相册那些应用,就是应用到了授权系统. OAuth和OpenID的区别 OAuth关注的是authorizat…
With the default Apache HBase configuration, everyone is allowed to read from and write to all tables available in the system. For many enterprise setups, this kind of policy is unacceptable. Administrators can set up firewalls that decide which mach…
原文地址:http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/uploadfile/736ca4/token-based-authentication-in-web-api-2/ IntroductionThis article explains the OWIN OAuth 2.0 Authorization and how to implement an OAuth 2.0 Authorization server using the OWIN OAuth middleware. Th…