Codeforces Round #563 (Div. 2)B】的更多相关文章

Codeforces Round #563 (Div. 2)/CF1174 CF1174A Ehab Fails to Be Thanos 其实就是要\(\sum\limits_{i=1}^n a_i\)与\(\sum\limits_{n+1}^{2n}a_i\)差值最大,排一下序就好了 CF1174B Ehab Is an Odd Person 一个显然的结论就是如果至少有一个奇数和一个偶数,那么是可以随意调整的,也就是升序排序 否则不可以进行任何操作 code CF1174C Ehab an…
链接: 题意: You're given an integer nn. For every integer ii from 22 to nn, assign a positive integer aiai such that the following conditions hold: For any pair of integers (i,j)(i,j), if ii and jj are coprime…
链接: 题意: You're given an array aa of length nn. You can perform the following operation on it as many times as you want: Pick two integers ii and jj (1≤i,j≤n)(1≤i,j≤n) such that ai+ajai+aj is odd, then swap…
链接: 题意: You're given an array aa of length 2n2n. Is it possible to reorder it in such way so that the sum of the first nn elements isn't equal to the sum of the last nn elements? 思路: 排序后求前一半和后一半的和比较. 代码: #…
C. Ehab and a Special Coloring Problem 题目链接: 题目 You're given an integer n. For every integer i from 2 to n, assign a positive integer ai such that the following conditions hold: For any pair of integers (i,…
B.Ehab Is an Odd Person 题目链接: 题目 You’re given an array a of length n. You can perform the following operation on it as many times as you want: Pick two integers i and j (1≤i,j≤n) such that ai+aj is odd, the…
A. Ehab Fails to Be Thanos 题目链接: 题目 You’re given an array a of length 2n. Is it possible to reorder it in such way so that the sum of the first n elements isn’t equal to the sum of the last n elements? Inpu… dp 好题 *(if 满足条件) 满足条件 *1 不满足条件 *0 ///这代码虽然写着方便,但是常数有点大 #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <cmath> #include <cstring> #include <string> #include <algorithm> #inclu…
后续: 点分治标程 使用father数组 比使用vis数组优秀(不需要对vis初始化) 有助于理解树链剖分 和 点分治 题解写得挺好 重链 重链中的点的子树的大小是最大的 重链外的点作为根节点的 子树 大小 < 1/2总的点数目 每次处理后到达重链外的点(若是重链内的点,判断结束) #include <cstdio&g…
自己开了场镜像玩. 前三题大水题.D有点意思.E完全不会.F被题意杀了……然而还是不会. 不过看过(且看懂)了官方题解,所以这里是六题题解齐全的. A 水题.给原序列排序,如果此时合法则直接输出,否则说明所有数相同,一定无解. 时间复杂度 $O(n\log n)$. #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; typedef pair<int,int> PII; ; #define MP ma…