You might be wondering if Windows is using UEFI or the legacy BIOS, it's easy to check. Just fire up MSINFO32 and look for this entry: There are two possibilities here, either UEFI or Legacy. FROM:…
How to Create a Bootable UEFI USB Flash Drive for Installing Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 8.1 Information This tutorial will show you how to create a Windows 7 or Windows 8 or 8.1 installation bootable USB flash drive for UEFIfrom either a Window…
In particular, Microsoft® instituted a device driver certification process for its Windows® desktop and server operating systems to ensure the drivers are functional with their products. INF (or Information) files are scripts which tell the Windows O…
"[ INS-30131 ] the Initial Setup That Is Required to Run the Installation Program Validation Was Not Successful " Error While Installing Oracle Database (Doc ID 1569962.1) To Bottom In this Document   Symptoms   _adf.ctrl-state=1cx1v47ksn_9&…
Who is this package for? This package is meant for developers that need to port existing .NET Framework code to .NET Core. But before you start porting, you should understand what you want to accomplish with the migration. Just porting to .NET Core b…
  Enable Hyper-V to create virtual machines on Windows 10.Hyper-V can be enabled in many ways including using the Windows 10 control panel, PowerShell (my favorite) or using the Deployment Imaging Servicing and Management tool (DISM). This documents…
Learn SQL Reporting on Windows Azure (9-Step Tutorial) 4 out of 4 rated this helpful - Rate this topic Learn how to create and deploy SQL reports on Windows Azure using Report Builder andAdventure Works for Azure sample data. Each step is clearly mar…
内容摘要:本文主要讨论和分析在UEFI+GPT模式下的Windows系统(主要是最新的Win10X64)中默认的分区结构和默认的分区大小,硬盘整数分区.4K对齐.起始扇区.恢复分区.ESP分区.MSR分区,哪些分区是必要的,删除是否会影响系统运行. 建议初级读者先了解什么是BIOS+MBR和UEFI+GPT,再阅读以下内容,因为涉及的内容太多,这些知识点不作为本文的讨论内容,建议百度搜索:"BIOS+MBR"."UEFI+GPT"."BIOS+MBR UE…
0.前言 接触电脑将近7年时间,多次说要写下这篇文章,一直未曾提笔,始终怕给人以误导.到如今,来来回回装系统的次数得超过百次了.本着不误导人的想法,本文试着总结一下装系统的基本方法和思路,但不会过多涉及细节步骤. 操作系统的种类繁多,包括IBM/PC兼容机的Windows NT,unix/linux发行版,乔帮主的mac和ios系列.以及google的Chrome OS和android系统,还有openwrt路由和windows ce,ucos III,rtx 51等嵌入式系统....本文仅讨论…
新买的电脑预装系统是WIN10,考虑到兼容性问题,打算更换为WIN7,但在新机上不能直接装WIN7系统,需要在BIOS启动中做一点小改动. 原因分析:由于Windows 8采用的是UEFI引导和GPT格式的分区,所以在开始改装系统操作前我们需要明确以下两点信息:1.需要将Windows 8系统的引导方法从UEFI改为传统模式(Legacy mode)2.需要将硬盘的GPT分区转换为MBR格式解决方案:如何将Windows 8系统的引导方法从UEFI改为传统模式首先我们需要了解一下BIOS的启动模…