Try the online demo: Overview One common feature of “shaken” images is the presence of saturated pixels. These are caused when the radiance of the scene exceeds the range of the camera’s sensor, leaving bright…
抖动和部分饱和图像去模糊 摘要 我们解决了由相机抖动造成的模糊和饱和或过度曝光像素导致的图像去模糊的问题.饱和像素对于现有的非盲去模糊算法是一个问题,因为它们不符合图像形成过程是线性的这一假设,并且经常在去模糊输出中造成明显的伪像.我们提出一种包含传感器饱和度的前向模型,并使用它来推导出适当地处理饱和像素的去模糊算法.通过使用这个前向模型以及解释关于去模糊结果中的伪像的原因,我们得到比现有的去模糊算法显着更好的结果.我们进一步提出了前向模型的有效近似,导致显着的加速. 介绍 “抖动”图像去模糊工… Efficient Deblurring for Shaken and Partially Saturated Images Non-uniform Deblurring for Shaken Images http://ww…
这篇blog,原来是西弗吉利亚大学的Li xin整理的,CV代码相当的全,不知道要经过多长时间的积累才会有这么丰富的资源,在此谢谢LI Xin .我现在分享给大家,希望可以共同进步!还有,我需要说一下,不管你的理论有多么漂亮,不管你有多聪明,如果没有实验来证明,那么都是错误的.  OK~本博文未经允许,禁止转载哦!  By  wei shen Reproducible Research in Computational Science “It doesn't matter how beautif…
转自09年的blog,因为facebook在国内无法访问,故此摘录. The Photos application is one of Facebook’s most popular features. Up to date, users have uploaded over 15 billion photos which makes Facebook the biggest photo sharing website. For each uploaded photo, Facebook gen…
文章标题 One SQL to Rule Them All – an Efficient and Syntactically Idiomatic Approach to Management of Streams and Tables 用SQL统一所有:一种有效的.语法惯用的流和表管理方法 syntactically 句法上;语法上;句法;句法性地;句法特征 idiomatic [ˌɪdiəˈmætɪk] 惯用的;合乎语言习惯的;习语的 approach [əˈproʊtʃ] v.(在距离或时间…
Lukas Neuman--[ICDAR2015]Efficient Scene Text Localization and Recognition with Local Character Refinement 算法介绍 Fig. 2. Overview of the method. Initial text hypotheses efficiently generatedby a MSER detector are further refined using a local text mod…
Notes on Efficient Graph-Based Image Segmentation 算法的目标 按照一种确定的标准, 将图片分割成细粒度的语义区域, 即Super pixel. 算法步骤 预处理. 将图片转换为undirected graph: \(G(V, E)\): 每一个像素都是一个顶点. 只有相邻像素间才存在边 边的权重为它连接的两个顶点间的像素距离作者的代码使用了欧氏距离 Steps: 将\(E\)按权重递增排序: \(\pi = (e_1, e_2, \dots, e…
Web Pages - Efficient Paging Without The WebGrid If you want to display your data over a number of pages using WebMatrix Beta1, you have two options. One is to use the built-in paging support that comes with the WebGrid helper. But that means that yo…
Deep Recurrent Q-Learning for Partially Observable MDPs  摘要:DQN 的两个缺陷,分别是:limited memory 和 rely on being able to perceive the complete game screen at each decision point. 为了解决这两个问题,本文尝试用 LSTM 单元 替换到后面的 fc layer,这样就产生了 Deep Recurrent Q-Network (DRQN),…