Problem: When you click right-click->Edit with Notepad ++ and get the error “ShellExecute failed (2): Is this command correct?” as seen below: Solution of ShellExecute Failed (2) Error: This problem seems to happen after setting Notepad++ to run as a…
最近发现右键使用notepad++打开文件时提示如下错误: ShellExecute failed (2): Is this command Correct? ... 经用搜索引擎搜索得知,应该是开启了notepad++的[以管理员身份运行此程序]选项而导致的. 解决方法: 找到notepad++.exe,右击之,进入[兼容性]选项卡然后取消勾选[以管理员身份运行此程序],最后[应用]并[确定]即可. 本人环境:Windows10,win7估计也是一样的方法. Notepad++是安装C盘默认的…
错误如下图: 解决方法: 右键notepad++.exe; 去掉管理员方式…
今天尝试了百度开放云里面的nodejs云引擎,部署没有任何问题,修改文件后发现了发布不了,去查看发布设置发现了问题: Fix depends failed. Please check requirements.txt 后面搜索了一下,发现百度有类似的解释 里面有说到: 1.Fix depends failed. Please check requirements.…
/********************************************************************** * ERROR: gnu-config-native-20150728+gitAUTOINC+b576fa87c1-r0 do_unpack: Function failed: Fetcher failure: Fetch command failed with exit code 128, output: fatal: the '--set-upstr…
好吧,我是用的phonegap3.0开发的,很简单,安装的时候一句phonegap run android –device就可以了(-device参数非必要,我是为了不跑模拟器,加上此参数限制只跑到设备上) 平时一切正常,今天却报了个错误,大致是用build.xml编译的时候失败,原因是:Failed to execute android command 'adb devices'.此时还没有上网查,我想,既然phonegap失败了,还报的adb错误,那我自己安装一次吧,于是到apk目录 adb…
早上检查数据库的备份邮件时,发现一台Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (SP2)数据库的Maintenance Report有错误 在SSMS里面执行Exec YourSQLDba.Maint.ShowHistoryErrors 729脚本后,发现如下错误信息(数据库名用XXX替代): <Exec> <ctx>yMaint.backups</ctx> <cmd> backup log [XXXX_XXX] to disk = 'E:\…
Ubuntu16.04安装Scrapy(pip install Scrapy)时提示错误如下: Failed building wheel for cryptography Running clean for cryptography Failed to build cryptography error: command ---------------------------------------- Command in /tmp/pip-build-2wwgqS/crypt…
报错: Complete output from command /usr/bin/python -u -c "import setuptools, tokenize;__file__='/private/tmp/pip-build-kSfBfz/ujson/';f=getattr(tokenize, 'open', open)(__file__);'\r\n', '\n');f.close();exec(compile(code, _…
If we run a Gradle build and one of the tasks fails, the whole build stops immediately. So we have fast feedback of our build status. If we don't want to this and want Gradle to execute all tasks, even though some might have failed, we use the comman…
Laravel PHP web framework requires certain libraries to function properly. One of these libraries is the mcrypt and the php-mcrypt (bridge between mcrypt and php). However, there is a good chance that you will run into issues while running Laravel if…
FIX Protocol Session Connectivity Hi guys, in this post I would like share my experience with financial information exchange (FIX) Connectionswhich is essential to setup FIX connectivity for trading purposes. Financial information exchange (FIX) Conn…
错误代码如下 BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 12s 46 actionable tasks: 1 executed, 45 up-to-date Built the following apk(s): /Users/hongye0/Documents/project/haitoujiaApp/platforms/android/app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk ANDROID_HOME=/Users/hongye0/Library/An…
Network containers Estimated reading time: 5 minutes If you are working your way through the user guide, you just built and ran a simple application. You've also built in your own images. This section teaches you how to network your containers. Launc…
[故障处理]CRS-1153错误处理 1  CRS-1153: There was an error setting Oracle Clusterware to rolling patch mode. 升级PSU的时候有错误,需要回退patch,但是报错了: 错误信息: HQNHL-ALHR-R01:/oracle/app/12.1.0/grid/crs/install # -prepatch Using configuration parameter file: /ora…
ROS机器人程序设计(原书第2版)补充资料 教案1 ROS Kinetic系统入门 ROS Kinetic在Ubuntu 16.04.01 安装可参考: ROS版本特色和官网wiki可参考: ROS入门指南可参考:…
昨天刚刚解决了Style Configurator无法保存的问题,今天继续解决另一个. 装好Notepad++之后,可以在右键菜单里面看到 Edit With Notepad++,win7里面挺好用的.但是这个64位的win8 ,会报一个错. ShellExecute failed(2) ..... 如果直接把Notepad设置成默认的打开方式,所有txt的图标都变了,有点恶心... 后来StackOverFlow 上发现了一个解决方案. Windows Registry Editor Vers…
本文为作者原创,转载请注明出处: 1. 简介 流媒体是使用了流式传输的多媒体应用技术.如下是维基百科关于流媒体概念的定义: 流媒体(streaming media)是指将一连串的媒体数据压缩后,经过网络分段发送数据,在网络上即时传输影音以供观赏的一种技术与过程,此技术使得数据包得以像流水一样发送:如果不使用此技术,就必须在使用前下载整个媒体文件. 关于流媒体的基础概念,观止云的"流媒体|从入门到… What is the best strategy for dealing with hot fixes? You have a regular release schedule, say once per sprint. Version 7 is live and you are developing version 8. Version 8 contains DB Schema Changes. Suddenly…
how to network your containers. Launch a container on the default network Docker includes support for networking containers through the use of network drivers. drivers. By default, Docker provides two network drivers for you, the bridge and the overl…
3.查看库表的最后mysql修改时间, 如果第一次新建的表可能还没有update_time,所以这里用了ifnull,当update_time为null时用create_time替代 select TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME,ifnull(update_time , create_time) from information_schema.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA='table_name' order by ifnull(update_time ,…
最新版了.修了很多bug. Photon 3.4 SDK: Released: 2014-02-19 Photon Native Core v. Photon Native Core v. New PSCS-1415: Photon Redistribu…
[译]Vulkan教程(19)渲染和呈现 Rendering and presentation 渲染和呈现 Setup 设置 This is the chapter where everything is going to come together. We're going to write the drawFrame function that will be called from the main loop to put the triangle on the screen. Creat…
如何获得一个RAC Oracle数据库(从Github - oracle/docker-images) - 本地版 2019-11-09 16:35:30 dingdingfish 阅读数 32更多 分类专栏: 如何获得一个Oracle数据库   版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,遵循CC 4.0 BY-SA版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接和本声明. 本文链接: 环境 一台笔记本电脑,Wind…
Return value/code Description 0x00030200 STG_S_CONVERTED The underlying file was converted to compound file format. 0x00030201 STG_S_BLOCK The storage operation should block until more data is available. 0x00030202 STG_S_RETRYNOW The storage operatio…
Note to the Reader - Docs Being Revised for Selenium 2.0! Introduction Test Automation for Web Applications To Automate or Not to Automate? Introducing Selenium Brief History of The Selenium Project Selenium’s Tool Suite Choosing Your Selenium Tool S…
其他章节请看: vue 快速入门 系列 Vue CLI 4.x 上 在 vue loader 一文中我们已经学会从零搭建一个简单的,用于单文件组件开发的脚手架:本篇,我们将全面学习 vue-cli 这个官方的.成熟的脚手架. 分上下两篇进行,上篇主要是"基础",下篇主要是"开发" Tip:介绍顺序尽可能保持与官方文档一致 介绍 vue-cli 是一个基于 vue.js 进行快速开发的完整系统. 让我们专注在撰写应用上,而不必花好几天去纠结配置的问题. Vue CLI…
本文参考自: 前段时间使用pptp搭建了一个VPN,速度很快,但是用了大概一个月挂了,估计是被墙了吧,于是,用shadowsocks重新搭建了一个, 参考了网友教程,结合自己的一些运维经验,终于搭建成功,先记录一下,希望可以帮助有需要的朋友. 一.服务器端配置 1.安装采用的是teddysun(github上可以搜索到)写的一键安装脚本,具体地址如下:…
关于日志 属性日志 DbContext.Database.Log 属性被设置为一个委托,该委托能接受带有一个字符串参数的任何方法,最主要的是,通过设置它到 TextWriter 的 Write 方法将能应用于任何的TextWriter,通过上下文自动生成的所有SQL语句将被记录到Writer中. 例如,如下代码将记录SQL在控制台上: using (var ctx = new EntityDbContext()) { ctx.Database.Log = Console.WriteLine; }…
  案例环境:   服务器配置: CPU: Intel E5-2690  RAM: 12G   虚拟机 操作系统  : Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Edtion   x64 数据库版本: SQL SERVER 2008R2   案例介绍: 晚上收到数据库一封告警邮件SQL Server Alert System: 'Severity 016' occurred on \\xxxxx. 邮件具体内容如下所示, DATE/TIME: 2014/8/13 22:56…