1.This is the website to download Factory Images for Nexus Devices https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/images?hl=en and choose the nexus5 one. 2.下载下来文件名是hammerhead-lmy48m-factory-bf3c82fd.tgz,解压 3.得到一个文件夹hammerhead-lmy48m,里面有 flash-all.sh(全刷)…
1.开发工具:VS2013 2.开发环境:win 10 64位 3.添加控件: 打开VS,点击工具箱--常规--右键--“选择项”---“Com组件”--MacroMedia Flash Factory Object  ,系统会自动添加了引用AxShockwaveFlashObjects, ShockwaveFlashObjects 在放入窗体中时报错“未能导入ActiveX 控件.请确保它已正确注册”.所以手动添加如下代码: C# code (1) 在Form1.Designer.cs中的最下…
1. 建立 WPF Application. 首先,建立一个名为 FlashinWPF 的 WPF Application 2. 设置 Window 属性. 在 XAML 中修改 Window 的属性,加入 Loaded 事件,设置默认 Grid 的 x:Name 标示为 "FlashGrid" 更改后代码如下: <Window x:Class="FlashinWPF.Window1"    xmlns="http://schemas.microso…
Introduction This is a port of Tassadar's MultiROM, a multi-boot mod for XIAOMI MI2/2S/2C. The main part of MultiROM is a boot manager, which appears every time your device starts and lets you choose ROM to boot. You can see how it looks on the left…
The case scenario was about bank robery and the suspect threw his Samsung Note 3 into the river. Fortunately the Police found his phone and sent it to the Lab immediately. But guess what? This Samsung Note 3 was dead and those poor forensic guys trie…
================================================================================Ye.完美切换内部存储卡和SD卡成功.vold.fstab================================================================================原文件: dev_mount sdcard /storage/sdcard0 emmc@fat /devices/plat…
使用智能指针解决多线程下 类的解析冲突问题 有这样一个场景 使用StockFactory记录Stock的信息  容器是map<string,smart_ptr>; 代码如下: #include <functional> #include <memory> #include <string> #include <map> #include <assert.h> #include <mutex> using std::stri…
###sample 1   原因是新库起了FRA 区,FRA 区的旧文件属于之前的归档日志文件产生,这样会导致无法识别的问题. 解决办法,清空FRA或者恢复时候不启用FRA. RMAN RESTORE FAILS WITH RMAN-06023 ALTHOUGH BACKUPS ARE AVAILABLE After succesfully restoring controlfile from backup or starting database with a backup controlfi…
官方文档:   https://docs.spring.io/spring-kafka/reference/html/ @KafkaListener The @KafkaListener annotation is used to designate a bean method as a listener for a listener container. The bean is wrapped in a MessagingMessageListenerAdapter configured wi…
运行全然恢复:在 ARCHIVELOG 模式下 丢失了系统重要数据文件: 假设某个数据文件丢失或损坏.且该文件属于 SYSTEM 或 UNDO 表空间,请运行下面步骤: 1. 实例可能会也可能不会自己主动关闭. 2.假设未自己主动关闭.请使用 SHUTDOWN ABORT 关闭实例. 3. 装载数据库. 4. 还原并恢复缺失的数据文件. 5.打开数据库. 1.归档模式丢失非重要数据文件  全然恢复 第一种方法: shutdown abort; startup mount; alter datab…