1.This is the website to download Factory Images for Nexus Devices https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/images?hl=en and choose the nexus5 one. 2.下载下来文件名是hammerhead-lmy48m-factory-bf3c82fd.tgz,解压 3.得到一个文件夹hammerhead-lmy48m,里面有 flash-all.sh(全刷)…
Introduction This is a port of Tassadar's MultiROM, a multi-boot mod for XIAOMI MI2/2S/2C. The main part of MultiROM is a boot manager, which appears every time your device starts and lets you choose ROM to boot. You can see how it looks on the left…
The case scenario was about bank robery and the suspect threw his Samsung Note 3 into the river. Fortunately the Police found his phone and sent it to the Lab immediately. But guess what? This Samsung Note 3 was dead and those poor forensic guys trie…
###sample 1 原因是新库起了FRA 区,FRA 区的旧文件属于之前的归档日志文件产生,这样会导致无法识别的问题. 解决办法,清空FRA或者恢复时候不启用FRA. RMAN RESTORE FAILS WITH RMAN-06023 ALTHOUGH BACKUPS ARE AVAILABLE After succesfully restoring controlfile from backup or starting database with a backup controlfi…
官方文档: https://docs.spring.io/spring-kafka/reference/html/ @KafkaListener The @KafkaListener annotation is used to designate a bean method as a listener for a listener container. The bean is wrapped in a MessagingMessageListenerAdapter configured wi…