原文: http://apns-c-sharp-net-vikram-jain.blogspot.com ======================= Please, Install your certificate *.p12 on pc, and take firend name use here for refernce. Please, set configuration file : <appSettings> <add key="FriendName"…
转自:http://www.raywenderlich.com/32960/apple-push-notification-services-in-ios-6-tutorial-part-1 Update 4/12/2013: Fully updated for iOS 6 (original post byMatthijs Hollemans, update by Ali Hafizji). In iOS, apps can’t do a lot in the background. Apps…
iOS Developer LibraryDeveloper Search Local and Push Notification Programming Guide PDF Table of Contents Introduction Local and Push Notifications in Depth Scheduling, Registering, and Handling Notifications Apple Push Notification Service Provision…
推送通知是由应用服务提供商发起的,通过苹果的APNs(Apple Push Notification Server)发送到应用客户端.下面是苹果官方关于推送通知的过程示意图: 推送通知的过程可以分为以下几步: 应用服务提供商从服务器端把要发送的消息和设备令牌(device token)发送给苹果的消息推送服务器APNs. APNs根据设备令牌在已注册的设备(iPhone.iPad.iTouch.mac等)查找对应的设备,将消息发送给相应的设备. 客户端设备接将接收到的消息传递给相应的应用程序,应…
Send Push Notifications to iOS Devices using Xcode 8 and Swift 3 OCT 6, 2016 Push notifications are a great way to ensure your users re-engage with your app every once in a while, but implementing them on iOS can be challenging, especially with all o…
This chapter describes the interfaces that providers use for communication with Apple Push Notification service (APNs) and discusses some of the functions that providers are expected to fulfill. General Provider Requirements As a provider you communi…
转自:https://blog.serverdensity.com/how-to-build-an-apple-push-notification-provider-server-tutorial/ One of the widely anticipated features of the new iPhone OS 3.0 ispush notifications which allow messages to be sent directly to an individual device…
转自:http://www.raywenderlich.com/32963/apple-push-notification-services-in-ios-6-tutorial-part-2 Update 4/12/2013: Fully updated for iOS 6 (original post byMatthijs Hollemans, update by Ali Hafizji). This is the second part of a 2-part tutorial series…
转自:https://blog.serverdensity.com/how-to-renew-your-apple-push-notification-push-ssl-certificate/ It’s coming up to a year since we launch our server monitoring iPhone application and so our Apple push notification SSL certificate is expiring in a fe…
在SAE使用Apple Push Notification Service服务开发iOS应用, 实现消息推送 From: http://saeapns.sinaapp.com/doc.html 1,在iOS开发者中心: iOS Provisioning Portal 创建一个AppID,如图: 2,生成iOS Push Service证书,如图: 按照上述提示操作: 回到iOS Provisioning Portal: 点击“Download”下载iOS Push Service证书文件,如图:…