How to modify Code Comments[AX2012]】的更多相关文章

// This is a framework class. Customizing this class may cause problems with future upgrades to the software. class XppSource { #define.defaultIndentColumns(4) #xppTexts int indentLevel; Source source; } // VAR Changed on 08 Nov 2012 at 13:55:27 by J…
自从把默认的头注释的author改成自己的名字以后越看越顺眼,但是发现名字下面一直有个波浪线,强迫症简直不能忍. 然后当你把鼠标放上去,再点击提示上的"more",会看到下面的提示: Spellchecker inspection helps locate typos and misspelling in your code, comments and literals, and fix them in one click 翻译过来就是:拼写检查器检查可以帮助查找拼写错误和拼写错误在您…
如上图,输入一个单词时会出现波浪线,报:Spellchecker inspection helps locate typos and misspelling in your code, comments and literals, and fix them in one click. 翻译:拼写检查器检查可以帮助查找拼写错误和拼写错误在您的代码.注释和文本. 并修复它们中一次点击. 解决办法: 选中这个单词,右键“Spelling”->“Save ‘miyuehu’ to dictionary.…
项目layout文件中出现 spellchecker inspection helps locate typos and misspelling in your code, comments and literals, and fix them in one click 翻译:拼写检查器检查有助于找到拼写错误和拼写错误在你的代码,注释和文字,并在点击修复 setting –> 搜索框输入 "inspection"回车 –> 右边搜索框输入 "typo"…
Pycharm设置 Pycharm总是很多的拼写检查波拉线 Spellchecker inspection helps locate typos and misspelling in your code, comments and literals, and fix them in one click 这句话就是 如何解决这个问题. 看到这句话也不用慌 有几个关键单词 可以试一下 Spellchecker inspection typos misspelling 基本上都在setting里面找…
“Don’t comment bad code—rewrite it.”——Brian W.Kernighan and P.J.Plaugher The proper use of comments is to compensate for our failure to express ourself in code. Truth can only be found in one place: the code. Comments Do Not Make Up for Bad Code Rath…
2015-05-26   628   Code-Tuning Techniques    ——Even though a particular technique generally represents poor coding practice, specific circumstances might make it the best one to use.    ——One key to writing effective loops is to minimize the work don…
转自: 如何进行code review? code reivew是保障代码质量的实用方法之一,这里简单分享下个人code review的经验.建议只当案例来看,因为不同项目.不同团队所做的事情.所具备的技术背景也是不同的,当然也会有些通用的点. 现实情况 先问下,你所在的公司有code review的习惯不?你所在的团队呢?你个人呢?如果没有的话,为啥会忽略这个环节呢? 来说…
Nothing can be quite so helpful as a well-placed comment.Nothing can clutter up a module more than frivolous dogmatic comments.Nothing can be quite so damaging as an old crufry comment that propages lies and misinformation. The proper use of comments…
参考: Example Code for a TMP102 I2c Thermometer I've fairly extensively commented the code, hopefully it makes sense. Example code for talking to a TMP102 I2C thermometer, like those available from Sparkfun, fo…