per-project basis】的更多相关文章

这里从SDK的文章中摘录出全部的API变化.主要是希望用户用搜索引擎时能找到相关信息: Major changes and renovations to the Revit API APIchanges .NET 4.5 Revit's API is now built with and requires .NET 4.5 forcompilation. VisualC++ runtime 11 update 4 (Visual Studio 2012) Revit is now built w…
GitLab has a notification system in place to notify a user of events that are important for the workflow. Notification settings You can find notification settings under the user profile. Notification settings are divided into three groups: Global set…
大家都明白这样的一个道理:做事情要有计划,有一个不成熟的计划总比没有计划要好,软件开发这么复杂的活动,更加需要计划.那么应该怎样做好一个计划呢? 如果对项目的范围.规模.性质.任务.工作量.费用等都不了解的情况下,是不可能做出计划的,所以做好计划的第一步就是要把这些东西搞清楚. PP这个PA的第一个Specific Goals,中文大意是:建立和维护用于项目计划的各类参数的估算,英文原文是:Estimates of project planning parameters are establis…
Design doc is the meta data of the code. The project management plan is crucial to your project since it is the basis on which the project will be measured. It can be used to aid in communication between stakeholders and to define the content and tim…
One of the challenges of explaining project management to people who are unfamiliar with the approach, is that descriptions are often either so high-level as to be meaningless, or so detailed that they are overwhelming. Over the years, I have come to…
Project Management ProcessDescription .......................................................................................................................................................................................1STAGE/STEP/TASK SUMMARY LIST…
Introduction The purpose of this paper is to gain an understanding of project management and to give a brief overview of the methodology that underpins most formally run projects. Many organisations do not employ full time Project Managers and it is…
Project management in the modern sense began in the early 1950s, although it has its roots further back in the latter years of the 19th century. The driver for project management was businesses realising the benefits of organising work around project…
Successful projects start with a good quality project schedule. Creating a schedule is one of the first tasks you should do when given a project to manage. There is often a temptation to get on with the work and worry about the schedule later, but th…
Project 和 Module 介绍 这两个概念是 IntelliJ IDEA 的必懂知识点之一,请务必要学会. 如果你是 Eclipse 用户,并且已经看了上面给的链接,那 IntelliJ IDEA 首先告诉你一个非常重要的事情:IntelliJ IDEA 没有类似 Eclipse 工作空间(workspace)的概念的.很多从 Eclipse 转过来的人总是下意识地要再同一个窗口管理 n 个项目,这在 IntelliJ IDEA 是无法得到.IntelliJ IDEA 提供的体验是:一个…
On April 5, 2012, in idevblogaday, by Steffen Itterheim 总结: 1.delete the "libs" group in Xcode(only "Remove References") 2."Add Targ…
maven打包的时候报错: 报错信息: [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.rat:apache-rat-plugin:0.8:check (default) on project hbase: Too many unapproved licenses: 513 -> [Help 1] [ERROR] [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -…
Maven update project...后jdk变成1.5,update project后jdk版本改变 ============================== 蕃薯耀 2018年3月14日 一.问题描述 使用maven时,当使用Maven中的update project...功能时,jdk版本会变成1.5版本 二.解决方案: 1.方法一: 在pom.xml文件中加上plugins插件: <plugins> <…
/***************************************************************************** * Android Mokoid Open Source Project hacking * * 声明: * 1. 本文主要是为了了解Android HAL工作机制,从而决定分析mokoid开源项目: * 2. 源代码URL: * 3. 本文通…
Some concepts as blow: Welcome to Akka, a set of open-source libraries for designing scalable, resilient systems that span processor cores and networks. Akka allows you to focus on meeting business needs instead of writing low-level code to provide r…
How To Start Building Spatially Aware Apps With Google’s Project Tango “Tango can enable a whole new range of applications that simply weren’t possible before.” On a fundamental basis, a smartphone’s camera is not really a camera at all. Sure, it can…
实验要求: Objective: To know how to implement image enhancement for color images by histogram processing. Note that the definition of histogram for color images differs from that of histogram for gray images. Main requirements: Ability of programming wit…
[转自] 1 Basis1. Unix操作 更改口令 passwd eg. passwd orap34看当前路径 pwd 看sap或者oracle的进程 eg. ps -ef|grep sap或者 ora看命令的使用方法,相当于DOS中 的help命令 eg. man xxx更改当前用户 su eg. su – orap34查看cluster lssrc –g clu…
百度2016研发project师笔试题(四) 2015/12/8 10:42(网上收集整理的,參考答案在后面.若有错误请大神指出) 1. 关于MapReduce的描写叙述错误的是() A. 一个Task一般会把输入集切分成若干独立的数据块 B. 通常计算节点和存储节点是同一节点 C. 通常,作业的输入输出都会被存储在文件系统中 D. MapReduce框架会先排序map任务的输出 2. 设哈希表长度为11,哈希函数H(K)=(K的第一个字母在字母表中的序号)MOD11,若输入顺序为(D,BA,T…
题意:三角形数序列的第n项由公式tn = 1/2n(n+1)给出:因此前十个三角形数是: 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55, - 将一个单词的每个字母分别转化为其在字母表中的顺序并相加,我们可以计算出一个单词的值.求在words.txt中有多少个三角形单词? euler042.c /************************************************************************* > File Name: eu…
ylbtech-杂项-maven-repository-lombok-intro:使用PROJECT LOMBOK减少BOILERPLATE代码 1.返回顶部 1. REDUCING BOILERPLATE CODE WITH PROJECT LOMBOK By Michael Kimberlin, OCI Senior Software Engineer JANUARY 2010 CONTENTS Introduction Installation Lombok Annotations @Ge…
.NET Core系列 : 1..NET Core 环境搭建和命令行CLI入门 介绍了.NET Core环境,本文介绍.NET Core中最重要的一个配置文件project.json的相关内容.我们可以使用.NET Core 的dotnet 命令行接口(CLI)dotnet new命令创建一个应用,也可以用Visual Studio 2015 update 3创建一个应用,他们都有一个project.json ,它是项目的配置文件,类似之前的*.csrpoj文件.Project.json 是一个…
我的maven 项目有一个红色感叹号, 而且Problems 存在 errors : Description Resource Path Location Type Archive for required library: 'D:/mvn/repos/junit/junit/3.8.1/junit-3.8.1.jar' in project 'xxx' cannot be read or is not a valid ZIP file ktb-mgr Maven Webapp Build pa…
示例代码: "frameworks": { "netcoreapp1.0.0": { "imports" : "portable-net45+win81" } } importsis a way to use packages that were not designed for that framework. Basically you tell it "Use those targets even though…
PhpStorm和WAMP配置调试参数 问题描述: Error. Interpreter is not specified or invalid. Press “Fix” to edit your project configuration. 解决方法: 打开File->Settings 浏览到Languages & Frameworks->PHP Include Path添加D:\WAMP64\apps\phpsysinfo3.2.3\sample\distrotest\Pear 点…
作者Alistair Cockburn, Crystal Clear的7个成功要素,写得挺好. 敏捷方法的关注点,大家可以参考,太激动所以转载了. 原文: Property 1. Frequent Delivery The single most important property of any project, large or small, agile or not, is that…
CSharpGL(20)用unProject和Project实现鼠标拖拽图元 效果图 例如,你可以把Big Dipper这个模型拽成下面这个样子. 配合旋转,还可以继续拖拽成这样. 当然,能拖拽的不只是线段.还可以拖拽三角形(如下图).四边形. 另外,还可以单点拖拽. 2016-04-28 现在实现了高亮显示拾取.拖拽的图元的功能. 下面演示了鼠标移动到图元上时显示图元的索引值的功能. 起初会出现stitching和z-fighting的现象.例如下面选中一个三角形时,由于stitching问题…
前段时间在改Bug打开一个project时,发生了一件奇怪的事,好好的一直不能加载solution底下的这个project,错误如下图所示:大致的意思就是这个project的web server被配置成了IIS Express,但是当前URL被配置成local IIS web server.要想打开这个project,必须要到IIS管理器中移除用这个来自local IIS web server 绑定的URL.根据提示到IISManager中把对应的Web Site移除掉,可是还是不管用.这里要说…
一.前言: 安卓(Android):是一种基于Linux的自由及开放源代码的操作系统,主要用在移动设备上,如手机.平板电脑.其他的设备也有使用安卓操作系统,比如:电视机,游戏机.数码相机等等. 二.具体: 1.首先需要有开发安卓的环境,安卓SDK.在此本人提供Android4.4的版本下载链接: 密码:y8pn 2.配置相对应的环境变量:(不详细写相关的步骤) 变量名:android_home  变量值:sdk 根目录(也就是本压缩包…
Shawn Wildermuth ( If you’re not paying attention to Twitter, the ASP.NET Standup or the Github repositories, you might be missing a big change coming to ASP.NET Core. Now i…