Join Optimization Join Optimization Improvements to the Hive Optimizer Star Join Optimization Star Schema Example Prior Support for MAPJOIN Limitations of Prior Implementation Enhancements for Star Joins Optimize Chains of Map Joins Current and Futur…
Hive Joins Hive Joins Join Syntax Examples MapJoin Restrictions Join Optimization Predicate Pushdown in Outer Joins Enhancements in Hive Version 0.11 Join Syntax Hive supports the following syntax for joining tables: join_table:     table_reference J…
Select Syntax WHERE Clause ALL and DISTINCT Clauses Partition Based Queries HAVING Clause LIMIT Clause REGEX Column Specification More Select Syntax GROUP BY SORT BY, ORDER BY, CLUSTER BY, DISTRIBUTE BY JOIN UNION ALL TABLESAMPLE Subqueries Virtual C…
本文为博客园作者所写: 一寸HUI,个人博客地址: 很多人如果先接触mysql的执行顺序(from ->on ->join ->where ->group by ->having ->select ->distinct ->order by ->limit),可能会对hive中的on和where会产生一些误解,网上也有一些博客写了关于这些内容的,但是自己也还是想自己亲自试验一波,本文主要从inn…
HIVE  Map Join is nothing but the extended version of Hash Join of SQL Server - just extending Hash Join into Distributed System. SMB(Sort Merge Bucket) Join is also similar to the SQL Server Merge Join mechnism - just extending it into Distributed S…
hive的多表连接,都会转换成多个MR job,每一个MR job在hive中均称为Join阶段.按照join程序最后一个表应该尽量是大表,因为join前一阶段生成的数据会存在于Reducer 的buffer中,通过stream最后面的表,直接从Reducer中读取已经缓冲的中间数据结果,与后面的大表进行连接时,只需要从buffer中读取缓存的key,与大表中的指定key进行连接,速度更快,也避免内存缓冲区溢出. SELECT a.val, b.val, c.val FROM a JOIN b…
转自: 笼统的说,Hive中的Join可分为Common Join(Reduce阶段完成join)和Map Join(Map阶段完成join).本文简单介绍一下两种join的原理和机制. Hive Common Join 如果不指定MapJoin或者不符合MapJoin的条件,那么Hive解析器会将Join操作转换成Common Join,即:在Reduce阶段完成join.整个过程包含Map.Shuffle.…
Hive支持的表连接查询的语法: join_table: table_reference JOIN table_factor [join_condition] | table_reference {LEFT|RIGHT|FULL} [OUTER] JOIN table_reference join_condition | table_reference LEFT SEMI JOIN table_reference join_condition | table_reference CROSS JO…
hive的join查询 语法 join_table: table_reference [INNER] JOIN table_factor [join_condition] | table_reference {LEFT|RIGHT|FULL} [OUTER] JOIN table_reference join_condition | table_reference LEFT SEMI JOIN table_reference join_condition | table_reference CR…
1.什么是等值连接? 2.hive转换多表join时,如果每个表在join字句中,使用的都是同一个列,该如何处理? 3.LEFT,RIGHT,FULL OUTER连接的作用是什么? 4.LEFT或RIGHT join是连接从左边还有右边? Hive表连接的语法支持如下: Sql代码  : join_table: table_reference JOIN table_factor [join_condition] | table_reference {LEFT|RIGHT|FULL} [OUTER…