This article will simply descript how to configure and publish a InfoPath step by step. Note: To configure and publish InfoPath to SharePoint 2013 ,required the follow items: (1).SharePoint Enterprise 2013. (2).Microsoft InfoPath Designer 2013. (3).A…
这篇文章主要briefly introduce the Install and configure SharePoint 2013 Workflow. Microsoft 推出了新的Workflow engine 针对于SharePoint 2013 Server--Workflow Manager,这个Service是基于Windows Workflow Foundation的,但是OOTB(out-of-the-box)安装却被隐藏了,当sharepoint 2013 Server安装的时候… In this tutorial I will show you how to configure SSL for SharePoint 2013. Prerequisites: IIS 8 SharePoint 2013 Windows Server 2012 HTTP Web Application on…
这篇文章主要基于上一篇的基础上,create a sample workflow by SharePoint Designer 2013. 这里简要说一下我们接下来需要应用workflow完成怎样的一个功能:当在list中add item的时候自动触发workflow来更新title的value. 首先创建一个Custom List named 'MyList'  Site Contents-->add an…
Did you ever wish you had more control over how your content is indexed and presented as search results? In SharePoint 2013, you have the option to add a callout from the content processing component to your own web service so you can manipulate the…
SharePoint 2013 WebTemplates You are here: Home / SharePoint 2013 WebTemplates   January 24, 2013 Tags: SharePoint 2013 Web Templates by Raghavendra Shanbhag Please find below the list of available templates in SharePoint 2013 RTM, this would help yo…
Time again to attempt to implement that exciting technology, Federation Services (Web Single Sign On, SAML, WS-Federation, or whatever you want to call it) with SharePoint. Last time we tried this, SharePoint 2010 was a baby product, MS was just test…
本文主要介绍SharePoint 2013中,简单发布InfoPath表单,并添加后台代码,示例比较简单,主要描述的是一个创建InfoPath的过程,而非多么深奥的后台代码,希望能够给初学者带来帮助. 主要过程有 Ø  新建一个InfoPath表单 Ø  修改表单的信任级别并添加证书 Ø  发布到InfoPath得到管理员认证 Ø  设计InfoPath布局及添加控件,在代码中编辑,添加表单功能 Ø  发布表单到SharePoint文档库 Ø  修改文档库支持内容类型,并添加InfoPath表单…
在“SharePoint 2013技巧分享系列 - Active Directory同步显示用户照片”文中介绍了如何同步Active Directory显示用户照片,但是同步完成后,用户照片尺寸和清晰度都不是非常理想.本文将介绍如何同步Exchange Server显示高清用户照片. 原理 与SharePoint Server 2010相似, 在SharePoint Server 2013中存在一个用户照片的目录.当SharePoint启用Exchange照片同步时, SharePoint将使用…
转自: Installing SharePoint 2013 on Windows Server 2012 R2 Preview By Aviv Roth On July 9, 2013  · 46 Comments · In SharePoint, Windows  EDIT: This has chan…