Ubuntu packages multi-architectures】的更多相关文章

Show current machine architecture dpkg --print-architecture It's built-in to the currently installed dpkg package. Usage use 'package:architecture', eg. libc:i386 libc:amd64 只用'package'的话,安装的是current machine architecture Add architecture dpkg --add-a…
全系统英文官网操作地址:http://wxpython.org/download.php Ubuntu 英文操作地址:http://wiki.wxpython.org/InstallingOnUbuntuOrDebian Installing wxWidgets and wxPython On Ubuntu Or Debian There are wxWidgets and wxPython packages in the standard software repositories for D…
转自:http://www.cnblogs.com/HelloPython/ 亲测有效 根据Scrapy安装指南(http://doc.scrapy.org/en/latest/intro/install.html) Don’t use the python-scrapy package provided by Ubuntu, they are typically too old and slow to catch up with latest Scrapy. Instead, use the…
OpenCL(Open Computing Language,开放计算语言)是一个为异构平台编写程序的框架,此异构平台可由CPU.GPU.DSP.FPGA或其他类型的处理器與硬體加速器所组成.OpenCL由一门用于编写kernels(在OpenCL设备上运行的函数)的语言(基于C99)和一组用于定义并控制平台的API组成.OpenCL提供了基于任务分割和数据分割的并行计算机制.OpenCL类似于另外两个开放的工业标准OpenGL和OpenAL,这两个标准分别用于三维图形和计算机音频方面.Open…
1,Ubuntu更新系统 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade 2,安装apache,mod_wsgi,Django sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi  python-django 更多Ubuntu系统内置安装包请搜索:Ubuntu Packages Search 3,配置Django环境 sudo mkdir  /opt/wwwroot cd /opt/wwwroot sudo djan…
ubuntu notes Table of Contents 1. backup data 2. Basics Ubuntu 3. Install, uninstall packages 4. Basic Unix 5. Glossary 6. FAQ 6.1. sudo: unable to resolve host 6.2. check packages installed 6.3. Ubuntu on lenovo ideapad 100s 6.3.1…
先介绍一下环境: 主机:Win7 虚拟机:VirtualBox + Debian7 由于软件源的体积比较大,所以我又给虚拟机添加了一块50GB的虚拟硬盘(给虚拟机添加虚拟硬盘的方法参见:http://www.cnblogs.com/pengdonglin137/p/3366589.html , 其中介绍了如何在Vmware和VirtualBox中给Linux虚拟机添加虚拟硬盘),然后修改/etc/fstab,使在系统启动的时候将其自动挂载到/home/pengdl/debian_source目录…
本系列文章记录了个人学习过程的点点滴滴. 回到目录 10.mediawiki 知名开源维基框架,我用来构建自己的知识库. 在mediawiki中新建一个http.conf文件 sudo vim /opt/mediawiki/httpd.conf 输入如下内容 Alias /mediawiki "/opt/mediawiki" <Directory "/opt/mediawiki"> AllowOverride All Require all grante…
To convert the audio from stereo to mono without changing the video part, you can use FFmpeg: ffmpeg -i input.avi -c:v copy -c:a libmp3lame -ac 1 -q:a 2 output.avi The important option is -ac 1, which downmixes the signal to one channel. Note that th…
Mysql 5.7.17发布了,主要修复: Changes in MySQL 5.7.17 (2016-12-12, General Availability) Compilation Notes MySQL Enterprise Notes Packaging Notes Security Notes Test Suite Notes Functionality Added or Changed Bugs Fixed Compilation Notes For GCC versions hig…