Same: unicode charactor. 2. A charactor is stroed with 2 bytes. Different. 1. nchar 会自动填充数据到定义的固定长度:nvarchar 是数据有多长就存多少数据. Example: Create a table like below and store "A" in the two column. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[AAAAA]( [name] [nchar](10…
一. 试验归类测试SQL: drop table a )) insert into a values('a') insert into a values(N'a') insert into a values('深圳') insert into a values(N'深圳') select a, len(a), datalength(a) from a drop table #a )) insert into #a values('a') insert into #a values(N'a') i…
use master goIF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'[func_CompareDBobjectsReColumns_Temp]') AND xtype in (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF'))DROP FUNCTION [func_CompareDBobjectsReColumns_Temp] gocreate function [func_CompareDBobjectsReColumns_T…
现在,我打算学习,怎么用Fluent API来配置领域类中的属性. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace EF4 { public class Student { public int StudentKey { get; set; } public string StudentName…