[论文标题]Deep Learning based Recommender System: A Survey and New Perspectives ( ACM Computing Surveys · July 2017) [论文作者] SHUAI ZHANG, University of New South WalesLINA YAO, University of New South WalesAIXIN SUN, Nanyang Technological UniversityYI TAY…
Predicting effects of noncoding variants with deep learning–based sequence model PDF Interpreting noncoding variants- 非常好的学习资料 这篇文章的第一个亮点就是直接从序列开始分析,第二就是使用深度学习获得了很好的预测效果. This is, to our knowledge, the first approach for prioritization of functional…
论文地址:面向基于深度学习的语音增强模型压缩 论文代码:没开源,鼓励大家去向作者要呀,作者是中国人,在语音增强领域 深耕多年 引用格式:Tan K, Wang D L. Towards model compression for deep learning based speech enhancem…
Motivation: The lack of transparency of the deep learning models creates key barriers to establishing trusts to the model or effectively troubleshooting classification errors Common methods on non-security applications: forward propagation / back pr…
本节课将开始学习Deep NLP的基础--词向量模型. 背景 word vector是一种在计算机中表达word meaning的方式.在Webster词典中,关于meaning有三种定义: the idea that is represented by a word, phrase, etc. the idea that a person wants to express by using words, signs, etc. the idea that is expressed in a w…