Chemistry Experiment 维护一个权值线段树,然后二分答案. #include<bits/stdc++.h> #define LL long long #define LD long double #define ull unsigned long long #define fi first #define se second #define mk make_pair #define PLL pair<LL, LL> #define PLI pair<LL,…
Flipping Parentheses 题目连接: Description A string consisting only of parentheses '(' and ')' is called balanced if it is one of the following. • A string "()" is balanced. • Concatenation of two balance…
Buses and People CodeForces 160E 三维偏序+线段树 题意 给定 N 个三元组 (a,b,c),现有 M 个询问,每个询问给定一个三元组 (a',b',c'),求满足 a<a', b'<b, c'<c 的最小 c 对应的元组编号. 解题思路 三维偏序问题,是我第一次做,查的题解. 一位大佬是这么说的,原博客首先,离线处理所有询问,将这 N+M 个元组按照 a 从小到达进行排序,若有相同的 a,则给定元组应该排在询问元组之前.排序后即可保证对于任意一个询问元组…
Alice is so popular that she can receive many flowers everyday. She has N vases numbered from 0 to N-1. When she receive some flowers, she will try to put them in the vases, one flower in one vase. She randomly choose the vase A and try to put a flow…