Calculus on Computational Graphs: Backpropagation Introduction Backpropagation is the key algorithm that makes training deep models computationally tractable. For modern neural networks, it can make training with gradient descent as much as ten milli…
Posted on August 31, 2015 Introduction Backpropagation is the key algorithm that makes training deep models computationally tractable. For modern neural networks, it can make training with gradient descent as much as ten million times faster, relativ…
Relevant Readable Links Name Interesting topic Comment Edwin Chen 非参贝叶斯 徐亦达老板 Dirichlet Process 学习目标:Dirichlet Process, HDP, HDP-HMM, IBP, CRM Alex Kendall Geometry and Uncertainty in Deep Learning for Computer Vision 语义分割 colah's blog Feature Visu…
Research Guide for Neural Architecture Search 2019-09-19 09:29:04 This blog is from: From training to experimenting with different parameters, the process of design…
Lecture 8 Deep Learning Software 课堂笔记参见: 今天我们来介绍深度学习软件,它们的性能.优劣以及应用流程,包括CPU.GPU和一些流行的深度学习框架. 一. CPU vs GPU GPU被称作显卡(graphics card),或者图形处理器(Graphics Processing Unit),是一种专门进行图像运算工作的微处理器… Visualise Computational Graphs with Tensorboard and Tensorflow Posted by vivekcek on August 6, 2017 In this post i will show , how you can visualise computational graphs created by tensorflow…
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