shell excute mongo query command】的更多相关文章

use shell command method one: #!/bin/bash ] then echo 'Please input cid' exit fi HOST= mongo ${HOST}/new_db << EOF{}); EOF method two: echo"db.mycollection.findOne()" | mongo myDbName echo"show collections" | mon…
mongo实践-通过js shell操作mongo 保存命令: j={name:"wangjingjing",age:15}; 查询命令: var cursor = db.user.find(); while(cursor.hasNext())printJson(; printJson(cursor[4]); var arr = cursor.toArray(); db.user.find({name:"wangji…
query(update goods set is_delete=1 where goods_id=13)总是出错??为什么, excute(update goods set is_delete=1 where goods_id=13)一次就解决问题了, $result = $model ->execute( 'update mytable set name=aaa where id=11'); //将返回总行数 query()方法将返回数据集: $result = $model ->quer…
Centos7下执行shell脚本报错如下 [root@ip---- ~]# sh install_zabbix_agent.: $'\r': command not found install_zabbix_agent.: $'\r': command not found install_zabbix_agent.: $'\r': command not found install_zabbix_agent.: syntax error near…
出现的问题: + rsync -avzP /mnt/workspace/df-admin/ root@ /tmp/ line 2: rsync: command not found Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure Finished: FAILURE 构建是执行shell e…
在Linux下执行程序最省事的方式就是将系统的执行流程封装成一个shell脚本,上传到linux环境中后就可以直接执行了,但是今天在具体实施的时候出现了错误 $'\r': command not found,一直灭有解决,查询了相关的资料后才发现了问题,最根本的问题就是在Windows下换行的"\r"到了Linux环境下不能够识别了,因为Linux环境下默认的换行符为"\n",这里就需要做一点修改的工作才可以了. 我选择的解决方案是借助于dos2unix插件的转化功…
在linux中执行脚本时出错 $'\r': command not found 错误原因是在脚本中有空行,如果脚本是在Windows下进行编辑之后上传到linux上去执行的话,就会出现这个问题. 因为win下的空行是/r/n,但是linux下是/n,没有识别/r,所以会导致上述的报错,这个属于脚本编码的问题. 建议: 在服务器中编写相关脚本,可以有效避免这个问题.…
After installing the jenkins, we start creating new job. 1. Give job names (your project name): 2. Go to "Source Code Management tab": Connect to source code: 3. Go to the "Build" tab, using the drop down menu, to select a step. Normal… The mongo shell is an interactive JavaScript interface to MongoDB and is a component of the MongoDB package. You can use the mongo shell to query and update data as well as perform administrative…
You can write scripts for the mongo shell in JavaScript that manipulate data in MongoDB or perform administrative operation. For more information about the mongo shell, see the Running .js files via a mongo shell Instance on the Server section for mo…