Voltage Level-Shifter Output Waveform】的更多相关文章

http://www.cypress.com/knowledge-base-article/interfacing-sram-jtag-signals-using-voltage-level-shifter-kba81536 As a best practice, avoid use of level-shifting ICs with open-drain output. This type of level-shifter requires a resistive pull-up to ac…
重定时器Retimer和驱动器Redriver9(Level Shifter) 在高速串行通道的信号传输中,需要使用Redriver 和Retimer来保证信号传输的质量. Redriver,可以重新产生讯号,在高速接口上增加讯号质量.高速的讯号频率造成设计上可用的宽裕度降低,增加设计耐用.高性能系统的难度.透过使用同等化(equalization).预强调(pre-emphasis)和其他技术,可让单一ReDriver调整与矫正传输端上频道的损失,并在接收端上恢复讯号完整性.因此可以在接收端产…
http://electronicdesign.com/boards/non-inverting-level-shifter-requires-only-one-op-amp-one-supply-voltage With portable battery-operated devices continuing to add functionality while shrinking in size, printed-circuit-board real estate becomes incre…
http://pdfserv.maximintegrated.com/en/an/AN818.pdf http://www.maximintegrated.com/app-notes/index.mvp/id/818 Digital Adjustment of DC-DC Converter Output Voltage in Portable Applications Abstract: This tutorial discusses methods for digitally adjusti…
DIGITALLY ADJUSTABLE BOOST CONVERTER The TPS61045 is a high frequency boost converter with digitally programmable output voltage and true shutdown. During shutdown, the output is disconnected from the input by opening the internal input switch. This…
http://www.powerguru.org/changing-the-output-voltage-of-a-switching-regulator-on-the-fly/ There are many different ways to change the output voltage Applications that require the output voltage of a power supply to change dynamically come from a wide…
Google : Op-Amp Level Shifter Level shifting a +/- 2.5V signal to 0 - 5V I have a front end module that generates an (ECG) signal that varies from +/-2.5 V. I want to shift this signal to 0 - 5V. What is the best way to do this? First thing to try is…
how to generate an analog output from a in-built pwm of Atmega 32AVR microcontrloller? you need a resistor, a capacitor and an opamp. opamp is not really necessary when you are driving a mosfet, but will make life a bit easier. just be aware, that th…
STM32 F4 DAC DMA Waveform Generator Goal: generating an arbitrary periodic waveform using a DAC with DMA and TIM6 as a trigger. Agenda: Modeling a waveform in MATLAB and getting the waveform data Studying the DAC, DMA, and TIM6 to see how it can be u…
An Isolated DAC Using PWM Output Arduino‘s (ATmega328P) PWM outputs via analogWrite can be conveniently turned into analog voltage levels through the use of simple RC filters. Since the PWM outputs are not isolated, using them to drive other devices…