
When I was seventeen, I read a quote that went something like, '' if you live your each day as if it was the lost, '' someday, you'll most certainly be right. It made an impression on me and since then, for the past 33 years, when I wake up in the mo…
  It is subtly demonstrate in the portrayal that a teacher is teaching mathmatics in a certain classroom. Unfortunately,one of her students holds the opinion that these basic skills might be outdated by the time when they in the job market.Currently,…
  It is subtly revealed in the caricature that a son is expressing his concern about disposing of nuclear waste to his father,while his father asked him to empty dustbin first.This thought-provoking portrayal illustrates to us the significance of doi…
比较详细Python正则表达式操作指南(re使用) Python 自1.5版本起增加了re 模块,它提供 Perl 风格的正则表达式模式.Python 1.5之前版本则是通过 regex 模块提供 Emecs 风格的模式.Emacs 风格模式可读性稍差些,而且功能也不强,因此编写新代码时尽量不要再使用 regex 模块,当然偶尔你还是可能在老代码里发现其踪影.   就其本质而言,正则表达式(或 RE)是一种小型的.高度专业化的编程语言,(在Python中)它内嵌在Python中,并通过 re 模…
几天前,我在机场无意中听到一对父女告别时最后一刻的对白.广播员已经通知大家准备登机了.他们站在安检口旁边紧紧拥抱,父亲对女儿说:“我爱你,希望你一切都充足!” 女儿回答:“爸爸,我是那么满足我们在一起的时光.您的爱就是我一切的需要!我也希望您一切都足够!” Recently I overheard a father and daughter in their last moments together at the airport. They had announced the departur… 简介 Python 自1.5版本起增加了re 模块,它提供 Perl 风格的正则表达式模式.Python 1.5之前版本则是通过 regex 模块提供 Emecs 风格的模式.Emacs 风格模式可读性稍差些,而且功能也不强,因此编写新代码时尽量不要再使用 regex 模块,当然偶尔你还是可能在老代码里发现其踪影. 就其本质而言,正则表达式(或 RE)是一种小型的.高度专…
How good software makes us stupid? 科技是怎样让人变傻的? People assume that iPhones, laptops and Netflix are evidence of progress. In some ways, that's true. A moderate amount of Googling, for instance,can be good for your brain, and there are apps that can bo…
更多强大的功能 到目前为止,我们只是介绍了正则表达式的一部分功能.在这一篇中,我们会学习到一些新的元字符,然后再教大家如何使用组来获得被匹配的部分文本. 更多元字符 还有一些元字符我们没有讲到,接下来小甲鱼一一为大家讲解. 有些元字符它们不匹配任何字符,只是简单地表示成功或失败,因此这些字符也称之为零宽断言.例如 \b 表示当前位置位于一个单词的边界,但 \b 并不能改变位置.因此,零宽断言不应该被重复使用,因为 \b 并不会修改当前位置,所以 \b\b跟 \b 是没什么两样的. 小甲鱼解释:很…
There were times—not many, but a few—when Jon Snow was glad he was a bastard. As he filled his wine cup once more from a passing flagon(['flægən]酒壶), it struck him that this might be one of them. He settled back in his place on the bench among the yo…
题目链接 problem Recently George is preparing for the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE for short). Obviously the most important thing is reciting the words. Now George is working on a word list containing N words. He has so poor a memory that it is too…