Name your feature branches by convention】的更多相关文章 Name your feature branches by convention Use a consistent naming convention for your feature branches to identify the work done in the branch. You can al…
know more from here: Feature flag: a way if exposing features to a sub-sent of your user base. Release early, release often Continuous integration is all about the entire team…
Comparing Workflows The array of possible workflows can make it hard to know where to begin when implementing Git in the workplace. This page provides a starting point by surveying the most common Git workflows for enterprise teams. As you read throu…
详细图文并茂以及git flow工具解释参考: 原文地址: 本文中我将介绍我在多年的项目开发中使用的开发模型,这个模型被实践检验为正确有效的模式.本文中,我将不会涉及到项目的任何细节,只讨论关于分支策略和release管理 为什么要使用Git? 网上有很多… Comparing Workflows The array of possible workflows can make it hard to know where to begin when implementing Git in the workplace. This page provides a starting point by surveying the most… 1.  Introduction GIT is a Version Control System (VCS) (aka Revision Control System (RCS), Source Code Manager (SCM)). A VCS serves as a Repository (or repo) of program codes,…
A successful Git branching model In this post I present the development model that I’ve introduced for some of my projects (both at work and private) about a year ago, and which has turned out to be very successful. I’ve been meaning to write about i…
来自 In this post I present the development model that I’ve introduced for some of my projects (both at work and private) about a year ago, and which has turned out to be very successful. I’ve be…
git版本控制开发流程小结笔记(一) 收藏                                                                     何良瑞Nyanko君                             发表于 3年前 阅读 11352 收藏 19 点赞 7 评论 2 摘要: 本博客搬运自我的原博客网站                 前言 说来有幸,这次实习入职的时间点非常巧,时间点正好是team刚把代码…
基本概念 Git是什么? Git是分布式版本控制系统,与SVN类似的集中化版本控制系统相比,集中化版本控制系统虽然能够令多个团队成员一起协作开发,但有时如果中央服务器宕机的话,谁也无法在宕机期间提交更新和协同开发.甚至有时,中央服务器磁盘故障,恰巧又没有做备份或备份没及时,那就可能有丢失数据的风险. 但Git是分布式的版本控制系统,客户端不只是提取最新版本的快照,而且将整个代码仓库镜像复制下来.如果任何协同工作用的服务器发生故障了,也可以用任何一个代码仓库来恢复.而且在协作服务器宕机期间,你也可…