PP: Neural tensor factorization】的更多相关文章

relational data. Neural collaborative filtering and recurrent recommender systems have been successful in modeling user-item relational data. However, they are limited as they do not account for evolving users' preference over time as well as changes…
https://www.socher.org/index.php/Main/ReasoningWithNeuralTensorNetworksForKnowledgeBaseCompletion 年份:2013 https://www.cnblogs.com/wuseguang/p/4168963.html https://blog.csdn.net/wty__/article/details/52447128 Socher等人于2013年提出了RNTN(Recursive Neural Ten…
Instead of specifying a discrete sequence of hidden layers, we parameterize the derivative of the hidden state using a neural network. Before: a discrete sequence of hidden layers. After: the derivative of the hidden state. Traditional methods: resid…
矩阵分解 来源:http://www.cvchina.info/2011/09/05/matrix-factorization-jungle/ 美帝的有心人士收集了市面上的矩阵分解的差点儿全部算法和应用,因为源地址在某神奇物质之外,特转载过来,源地址 Matrix Decompositions has a long history and generally centers around a set of known factorizations such as LU, QR, SVD and…
[说明] 本文翻译自新加坡国立大学何向南博士 et al.发布在<World Wide Web>(2017)上的一篇论文<Neural Collaborative Filtering>.本人英语水平一般+学术知识匮乏+语文水平拙劣,翻译权当进一步理解论文和提高专业英语水平,translate不到key point还请见谅. 何博士的主页:http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~xiangnan/ 本文原文:http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~xi…
译自:http://sebastianruder.com/multi-task/ 1. 前言 在机器学习中,我们通常关心优化某一特定指标,不管这个指标是一个标准值,还是企业KPI.为了达到这个目标,我们训练单一模型或多个模型集合来完成指定得任务.然后,我们通过精细调参,来改进模型直至性能不再提升.尽管这样做可以针对一个任务得到一个可接受得性能,但是我们可能忽略了一些信息,这些信息有助于在我们关心的指标上做得更好.具体来说,这些信息就是相关任务的监督数据.通过在相关任务间共享表示信息,我们的模型在…
本文是我关于论文<Reasoning With Neural Tensor Networks for Knowledge Base Completion>的学习笔记. 一.算法简介 网络的结构为: $$g(e_1,R,e_2)=u^T_Rf(e_1^TW_R^{[1:k]}e_2+V_R\begin{bmatrix} e_1 \\ e_2 \\ \end{bmatrix}+b_R)~~~~~~~~~~~(1)$$ 其中$g$为网络的输出,也即对该关系$R$ 的打分.$e_1$,$e_2$为两个…
论文地址:https://arxiv.org/abs/1707.06168 代码地址:https://github.com/yihui-he/channel-pruning 采用方法 这篇文章主要讲诉了采用裁剪信道(channel pruning)的方法实现深度网络的加速.主要方法有两点: (1)LASSO regression based channel selection. (2)least square reconstruction. 实现效果 VGG-16实现5x的加速,0.3%误差增加…
参考: http://stackbox.cn/2018-12-factorization-machine/ https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1641085157432717824&wfr=spider&for=pc https://www.baidu.com/link?url=IyTHH8OFv6c1-Tl9IBQRZ4vsFh5S6lDCNEsYjhnttFycgRr0gms3ZEL6wHl5KpxUG03j0shtg7FfSqRN_uWRrq&…
[论文的思路] NCF 框架如上: 1.输入层:首先将输入的user.item表示为二值化的稀疏向量(用one-hot encoding) 2.嵌入层(embedding):将稀疏表示映射为稠密向量(??如何映射) 所获得的用户(项目)的嵌入(就是一个稠密向量)可以被看作是在潜在因素模型的上下文中用于描述用户(项目)的潜在向量. 3.NCF 层:将用户嵌入和项目嵌入送入多层神经网络结构,我们把这个结构称为神经协作过滤层,它将潜在向量映射为预测分数. 4.输出层:预测分数 预测模型为: 其中,…
awesome-nlp  A curated list of resources dedicated to Natural Language Processing Maintainers - Keon Kim, Martin Park Please read the contribution guidelines before contributing. Please feel free to pull requests, or email Martin Park (sp3005@nyu.edu…
矩阵分解(rank decomposition)文章代码汇总 矩阵分解(rank decomposition) 本文收集了现有矩阵分解的几乎所有算法和应用,原文链接:https://sites.google.com/site/igorcarron2/matrixfactorizations Matrix Decompositions has a long history and generally centers around a set of known factorizations such…
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, ICCV 2017, Venice, Italy, October 22-29, 2017. IEEE Computer Society 2017, ISBN 978-1-5386-1032-9 Oral Session 1 Globally-Optimal Inlier Set Maximisation for Simultaneous Camera Pose and Feature Corre…
http://www.cv-foundation.org/openaccess/CVPR2016.py ORAL SESSION Image Captioning and Question Answering Monday, June 27th, 9:00AM - 10:05AM. These papers will also be presented at the following poster session 1   Deep Compositional Captioning: Descr…
1. 前言 多任务学习(Multi-task learning)是和单任务学习(single-task learning)相对的一种机器学习方法.在机器学习领域,标准的算法理论是一次学习一个任务,也就是系统的输出为实数的情况.复杂的学习问题先被分解成理论上独立的子问题,然后分别对每个子问题进行学习,最后通过对子问题学习结果的组合建立复杂问题的数学模型.多任务学习是一种联合学习,多个任务并行学习,结果相互影响. 拿大家经常使用的school data做个简单的对比,school data是用来预测…
ICLR 2013 International Conference on Learning Representations May 02 - 04, 2013, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA ICLR 2013 Workshop Track Accepted for Oral Presentation Zero-Shot Learning Through Cross-Modal Transfer Richard Socher, Milind Ganjoo, Hamsa Sr…
ICLR 2014 International Conference on Learning Representations Apr 14 - 16, 2014, Banff, Canada Workshop Track Submitted Papers Stochastic Gradient Estimate Variance in Contrastive Divergence and Persistent Contrastive Divergence Mathias Berglund, Ta…
CVPR2016 Paper list ORAL SESSIONImage Captioning and Question Answering Monday, June 27th, 9:00AM - 10:05AM. These papers will also be presented at the following poster session 1 Deep Compositional Captioning: Describing Novel Object Categories Witho…
CVPR2017 paper list Machine Learning 1 Spotlight 1-1A Exclusivity-Consistency Regularized Multi-View Subspace Clustering Xiaojie Guo, Xiaobo Wang, Zhen Lei, Changqing Zhang, Stan Z. Li Borrowing Treasures From the Wealthy: Deep Transfer Learning Thro…
背景 在CTR/CVR预估任务中,除了FM模型[2] 之外,后起之秀FFM(Field-aware Factorization Machine)模型同样表现亮眼.FFM可以看作是FM的升级版,Yuchi Juan于2016年提出该模型,但其诞生是受启于Rendle在2010年发表的另一个模型PITF [3](FM也是Rendle在2010年发表的),其论文原文 [1] 中写道: The idea of FFM originates from PITF proposed for recommend…
1. 简介 NCF是协同过滤在神经网络上的实现--神经网络协同过滤.由新加坡国立大学与2017年提出. 我们知道,在协同过滤的基础上发展来的矩阵分解取得了巨大的成就,但是矩阵分解得到低维隐向量求内积是线性的,而神经网络模型能带来非线性的效果,非线性可以更好地捕捉用户和物品空间的交互特征.因此可以极大地提高协同过滤的效果. 另外,NCF处理的是隐式反馈数据,而不是显式反馈,这具有更大的意义,在实际生产环境中隐式反馈数据更容易得到. 本篇论文展示了NCF的架构原理,以及实验过程和效果. 2. 网络架…
Inferring Analogous Attributes     CVPR  2014 Chao-Yeh Chen and Kristen Grauman Abstract: The appearance of an attribute can vary considerably from class to class (e.g., a “fluffy” dog vs. a “fluffy” towel), making standard class-independent attribut…
本文由云+社区发表 | 导语 问答系统是信息检索的一种高级形式,能够更加准确地理解用户用自然语言提出的问题,并通过检索语料库.知识图谱或问答知识库返回简洁.准确的匹配答案.相较于搜索引擎,问答系统能更好地理解用户提问的真实意图, 进一步能更有效地满足用户的信息需求.问答系统是目前人工智能和自然语言处理领域中一个倍受关注并具有广泛发展前景的研究方向. 一.引言 ​ 问答系统处理的对象主要包括用户的问题以及答案.根据问题所属的知识领域,问答系统可分为面向限定域的问答系统.面向开放域的问答系统.以及面…
https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/35252733 可以先看看上面知乎文章里面的例子 Socher 等人于2012和2013年分别提出了两种区分词或短语类型的模型,即SU-RNN(Syntactically-Untied RNN)和MV-RNN(Matrix-Vector RNN). 1)SU-RNN对不同类型的组合节点使用不同的组合参数,如ADJ与NN组合时,使用WADJ-NN. 但是,相同的节点类型也未必可以共享同一套组合参数,如同样是形容词,“好”和“坏”与其它词在…
26 THINGS I LEARNED IN THE DEEP LEARNING SUMMER SCHOOL In the beginning of August I got the chance to attend the Deep Learning Summer School in Montreal. It consisted of 10 days of talks from some of the most well-known neural network researchers. Du…
What is your first plan of action when working on a new competition? 理解竞赛,数据,评价标准. 建立交叉验证集. 制定.更新计划. 检索类似竞赛和相关论文. What does your iteration cycle look like? Sacrifice a couple of submissions in the beginning of the contest to understand the importance…
转自:https://github.com/andrewt3000/DL4NLP Deep Learning for NLP resources State of the art resources for NLP sequence modeling tasks such as machine translation, image captioning, and dialog. My notes on neural networks, rnn, lstm Deep Learning for NL…
Accepted Papers by Session Research Session RT01: Social and Graphs 1Tuesday 10:20 am–12:00 pm | Level 3 – Ballroom AChair: Tanya Berger-Wolf Efficient Algorithms for Public-Private Social NetworksFlavio Chierichetti,Sapienza University of Rome; Ales…
Abstract Semantic word spaces have been very useful but cannot express the meaning of longer phrases in a principled way. 语义词空间是非常有用的,但它不能有原则地表达较长短语的意义. Further progress towards understanding compositionality in tasks such as sentiment detection requ…
课程介绍:Data science is a "concept to unify statistics, data analysis, machine learning and their related methods" in order to "understand and analyze actual phenomena" with data1. With the development of the technologies of data collecti…